I found this and decided to answer it.
1. What did you do in
2013 that you’d never done before? Come home from a mission. Ride a horse.
Family History work.
2. Did you keep your
new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yes and Yes
3. Did anyone close to
you give birth? My dear friend Dani had beautiful baby Leah!!!!
4. Did anyone close to
you die? Thankfully no
5. What countries did
you visit? Argentina and Mexico
6. What would you like
to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013? Self Confidence
7. What dates from
2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? April 24- I was released as
a missionary. Saddest day of my life.
8. What was your
biggest achievement of the year? Returning with Honor from a full time mission
and Completing the WSU Piano Proficiency Exam.
9. What was your
biggest failure? There are too many to count.
10. Did you suffer
illness or injury? Just Lice in Argentina haha
11. What was the best
thing you bought? Plane ticket to Mexico
12. Whose behavior
merited celebration? Caitlin Rose Leger- She’s a missionary!!
13. Whose behavior made
you appalled and depressed? Breanna's Ex Boyfriend.
14. Where did most of your
money go? Definitely to clothes. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe! And School.
15. What did you get
really, really, really excited about? Mexico, friends coming home from missions,
baptisms, Jersey Boys, Audra McDonald, Disneyland.
16. What song will
always remind you of 2013? “Us” by Regina Spektor
17. Compared to this
time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? sadder
b) thinner or fatter? fatter
c) richer or poorer? poorer
18. What do you wish
you’d done more of? Budgeting, Genealogy
19. What do you wish
you’d done less of? Worrying about the Future
20. How did you spend
Christmas? With my Family!!!!!
21. Did you fall in
love in 2013? Only with Missionary Work haha
22. What was your
favorite TV program? Psych
23. Do you hate
(dislike) anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Nope.
24. What was the best
book you read? The Book Thief
25. What was your
greatest musical discovery? Felix Mendelssohn arts songs. Also the Indie Genre.
I didn’t like it before the mission but now I love it!
26. What did you want
and get? A lot of job opportunities, good grades in school.
27. What did you want
and not get? A 4.0
28. What was your
favorite film of this year? Saving Mr. Banks.
29. What did you do on
your birthday, and how old were you? Started school again. Went to dinner with
my friends. Turned 23.
30. What one thing
would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More work on regaining my vocal abilities.
31. How would you
describe your personal fashion concept in 2013? I am obsessed with clothes now!
32. What kept you
sane? Prayer, the Temple, and my friends.
33. Which
celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? No idea.
34. What political
issue stirred you the most? Argentina refusing to exchange pesos to dollars. It
really screwed me over.
35. Who did you miss? My
Argentine Family. So Much.
36. Who was the best
new person you met? Caitlin’s Boyfriend Jackson. He became a dear friend
of mine really quickly!
37. Tell us a valuable
life lesson you learned in 2013. Being a missionary is way easier than
being a real adult. I was also reminded that God's plan for us is better than our own plan.
38. What are you
looking forward to in 2014? Being in Sound of Music, doing my Jr. Recital,
applying for grad school, and possibly going to Disneyland with my Mexicans. Making
new friends while my best friends are not nearby.
39. What else? I
really just want to survive school is all.