Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yeah, I'm Insane...

I love musicals. If you have read my blog, then you definitely know that. The last show I did ended in March. It's been hard being away from musicals. Well, when I started college I told myself that I wasn't going to audition for a show until April 2010. I needed to get used to school and figure everything out. After about 3 weeks of school, and having to be near musical theater majors all the time in the Browning Center, I realized that I couldn't stand being away from the stage.

So, when I was offered a job at Rodgers doing tech and concessions, I figured this would give me the theater fix I needed without me actually having to stress out about doing a show. That worked until about two weeks ago. I was backstage helping the lead put her costume on when I realized I couldn't stand it any longer: I needed to do a show!!!!!

I tried out for Kiss Me, Kate at Rodgers. Before they cast it, however, I was given an opportunity to be ensemble in Singin' in the Rain at Rodgers instead. The schedule fit much better with my schooling and work and so I decided to do Singin' in the Rain.

Now, I'm working two jobs, going to school (15 credit hours), and am in a musical. I have time for nothing. I don't get to sleep or eat very much. I'm always very stressed out. And I realized this today: I'm insane! Seriously! Why am I willing to stress myself out so much? All for an ensemble part in a cheesy show in a cast where I know no one? Who does that? I don't understand myself.