Sunday, May 23, 2010
I'm a Terrible Person
So about five seconds after I wrote that post, I got a call that means one of my dreams might still be possible. And now I feel horrible because I was complaining and being mad.
At this moment, it looks like neither of my main goals/dreams for the summer are going to work out. It is very upsetting to me. I am just really hoping that in a few minutes, Heavenly Father will be like, "Just kidding!" and everything will work out how it was supposed to, but that is most likely not going to happen.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I recieved the biggest compliment ever the other day! I was getting a pedicure with two of my cousins, DeeDee and Amanda. It was super fun! Both of them are pregnant! DeeDee is due in July and Amanda in October. It was funny to hear them complain about pregnancy. Anyway, the lady who was giving me a pedicure said, "I love your eyebrows! Who does them for you?" And I said that I pluck them myself. She was very impressed and said that they looked fantastic! Why is this a big deal to me? Because we were at a freaking spa and she waxes eyebrows for a living! I was so proud of myself! The End.
Also, I sang at the West Bountiful City Young Artists Concert last week. I resent the fact that I was asked to sing at a Young Artists Concert - I'm almost 20, people! Everyone was in high school, jr. high, or elementary school. But I loved getting to sing showtunes again! I sang "When I Look at You" from The Scarlet Pimpernel. I don't know what I did differently, but it was definitely the best I have EVER sung in my whole life!!! Too bad it was wasted on such a little event. I could see a lot of people in the audience with tears in their eyes and it made me miss performing a lot! Well, I still perform a little but it's always cheesy shows. I want to play a tragic role and make everyone bawl their eyes out. Yep.
Also, I sang at the West Bountiful City Young Artists Concert last week. I resent the fact that I was asked to sing at a Young Artists Concert - I'm almost 20, people! Everyone was in high school, jr. high, or elementary school. But I loved getting to sing showtunes again! I sang "When I Look at You" from The Scarlet Pimpernel. I don't know what I did differently, but it was definitely the best I have EVER sung in my whole life!!! Too bad it was wasted on such a little event. I could see a lot of people in the audience with tears in their eyes and it made me miss performing a lot! Well, I still perform a little but it's always cheesy shows. I want to play a tragic role and make everyone bawl their eyes out. Yep.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
My Mama

Hawaii 2009.

Halloween 2007. Me as Dorothy and Mom as Little Red Riding Hood.
I have the Best Mommy in the whole world! We never ever ever run out of things to talk about. She supports my obsession with musicals even though it is often an inconvenience (this does not have spellcheck and now that I am finished with English classes I don't know how to spell anything!) to her. She expects me to do what is right, but she never forces me to do anything. She lets me make my own choices. One of my favorite things about her is her love of dancing. She taught dance when she was younger. Whenever she is in our kitchen, she dances: tap, ballet, name it! She is just awesome! I love her so so so much!
FYI Mom is way prettier in real life than in these pictures.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Life Is Good :)

I am just in a very thankful mood and thought it should be shared.
*I finished another semester of school with a 3.97. It is seriously miracle! I had such a hard time in piano, chemistry and music technology. I thought for sure I was going to get bad grades and lose my scholarship.
*I am so poor. I have $100 in savings. That freaks me out! I like to have a ton of savings. Stupid summer semester. And I have been freaking out because I need to be able to pay for stuff! Duh. Anyway, in the next two weeks I have been scheduled for six shifts at the Eldredge Manor! That is amazing because I usually only have about five shifts a month! What a blessing!
*I have been able to hang out with a lot of old friends recently. I went to Karaoke night at RMT and got to sing with Sam, and I have watched Glee with Caitlin. I have also hung out with Breanna, Lexi, Jacob, Cortney, Patrick, Devin, Taylor and Cody in the last week or so. It has made me so so happy! I have been feeling very anti-social and constantly hanging out for a couple weeks has been just what I needed! Now I am starting school again and working a lot so I won't have time anymore, and so I am so grateful I got to spend time with friends!
*Since I am home in the day now, my mom has picked up a ton of extra shifts (she's an RN). I have had the opportunity to get the kids up and ready for school, pick Caleb up from the bus stop, feed him lunch, get the kids to their lessons, cook, do laundry, blah, blah, blah. It isn't the most fun thing but I am happy for all of the skills I have learned at such a young age. I see some people my age or younger getting married and they have no clue how to take care of a home. I am glad I have been brought up to be responsible and able to take care of myself and others.
*I am also grateful that the friends I have previously mentioned are so interested in my life and want what is best for me. Jacob and Caitlin had an Intervention with me last night. They are trying to get me married off, and even though it was mostly fake and for fun, I loved seeing that they want me to be happy.
I am just really blessed. The end.
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