On Saturday, we all went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and it was so fun! Then we went to the nearby town of Taylor and saw fireworks.
Sunday morning, the whole family went to church. That afternoon, we all gathered at the grandparents' to have lunch. My favorite part of the day was watching my cousins' kids play. I became obsessed with this little guy:
I think this is the largest family gathering we've ever had without it being a family reunion.

Here's all of the cousins:
Here are my two closest cousins on this side, Eric and Julianne. We are the closest in age and we've had so much fun over the years!
The next day was the 4th, and everyone came to our hotel where we had a nice spot for the parade.

After the parade we went to lunch at a Chinese restaurant. My Grandpa was going on and on about how good the food was there. He was right! I have never liked Chinese food, and I even thought it was good!

Then some of us went and played whiffle ball. It was very entertaining!

After the game, we went to the carnival and ate yummy treats and bought crafts and jewelry and stuff. Then it was time to go back to our hotel.

The next morning we left Show Low, and I was so sad. I cried, as usual, because I hate that I hardly ever see these people. They are some of my most favorite people ever! I'm so glad I saw my family! I love them so much!
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