Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Saturday, November 19, 2011

MTC #7

Hello! How is everybody?! So I realized that I don't have as much to say this week so I actually have time to respond back to respond back to events in your lives. Lauren and Rae, your missionary week sounds awesome! I wish I had had an experience like that in Mutual. That is so cool! Did it make you excited and want to serve a mission?! Because I'm pretty sure I have been more happy in the last six weeks than I have ever been, and I haven't even left the MTC! Crazy! Brianne, oh my gosh, once again, I am SO EXCITED about your trip next May! It's gonna be amazing! John, congratulations on getting the part of Chip! You are going to be so adorable and I'm a little sad I won't get to see you. Caleb, why haven't I heard from you yet? How are you doing buddy? Dad, I hope you had a good birthday! Mom, I hope you are surviving working so much! I am going to mail you a long list of all the things I need before I go to Argentina, but one thing I will tell you right now is that I need is bandaids for blisters. It's not from my mission shoes, it's from my running shoes. I run 3 miles everyday on the track now, and my blisters are getting pretty bad and there is nothing I can buy here for them.

Btw, I sent a letter to Grandpa and Grandma, and then an hour later I got Mom's dearElder about Grandpa. I will write them again asap! I'm praying for all of my grandparents.

So this week has been great! I have learned so much this week about teaching. It's been awesome! We have had a huge emphasis on listening to the Spirit. It's crazy on how ready the Spirit is to speak to you. You only need to live worthily, listen and obey.

Last week at the temple Hermana Nelson and I decided to do sealings because neither of us had done them before. It was absolutely beautiful! Wow. As I was helping daughters be sealed to their parents, I kept thinking about all of my cousins who have been adopted into our family, and how grateful I am for this sealing power so that we can all be together forever. I also thought about little Addison, and had a moment of homesickness. I miss that baby girl! Except now she's 1! Holy cow! It's weird the things that will and won't set off homesickness. But I really am doing great! I miss home a lot less often than most people. That doesn't mean I love you guys any less! I just find peace in knowing that you are being taken care of while I'm gone, and find strength in knowing I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

I said goodbye to Elder Taylor Smith on Sunday. It was a very tender moment. I felt like I was sending my little boy out into the world. He's going to be a great missionary!

Now we are the oldest district in our zone. We said goodbye on Sunday to District E, and it was actually pretty sad. They are going to the New Jersey, Morristown mission also, like Taylor and Nick, so pretty much they will have a party there!

On Sunday, one of the lawyers for the church gave a Fireside. He pretty much spends his days fighting to keep us missionaries in every country to preach. I am amazed how it's a constant battle. I'm so grateful for those who are working so hard to get us out around the world.

My district is awesome. Remember how I have said that every week? It's true. The other day we randomly decided to sing the EFY Medley in our classroom. And it was so cool. I remember how strongly I felt the Spirit each time I went to EFY and we sang that song, but now, since I'm a missionary, it's even more awesome.

I really am so happy that I am here. Everyday, I thank Heavenly Father that I am here and that I have this opportunity. I never would have imagined I'd be a missionary! But I am so glad that I am!

Have a good week! I love you all! Write me! Getting mail really is the greatest thing ever! haha

Hna. Bretleigh Sandorf

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