Hello! how is everybody?! I am doing great! I am just really happy right now! Hna. Sosa and I are working really hard, and we are finding a lot of really great investigators! We have seen so many miracles this week! One was that we felt like we should clap a street, and we found a member who hadnt been active for 10 years. She had been thinking about coming back, but she took our coming as a message that she needs to go back to church. We had a really awesome lesson about the Atonement with her. Another miracle was that one investigator, Maria, asked US if she could be baptized during the first lesson. Wow! She has to get married first, and her boyfriend is being a stinker, but I know that miracles are possible, and she and we are doing everything possible so that her desire to be baptized becomes a reality.
I am just really loving life right now! I love being a missionary! I love the people I am teaching, and I am just happy. That is about it! Sorry that I do not have much to say!
Hna. Bretleigh Sandorf
Hermana Sandorf and the welcoming statue in Pico Truncado |
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