Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back at 2010

Woah! I remember writing my "Looking back at 2009" post. I can't believe a year has gone by!

So last year I categorized the things that had happened to me into "Good Things" and "Bad Things". Everything that happened to me that year had a distinct category. This year has not been nearly as eventful, and a lot of things that happened are neither good nor bad or both good and bad. So this is just not going to work out as orderly.

Here is what happened in 2010:

- I was in "Singin' in the Rain"
- I started going to a Single's Ward
- I saw "Legally Blonde"
- Perry Family Reunion
- Marriages and sealings of family members and friends
- I saw "Lion King"
- I turned 20
- I was in "A Christmas Carol"

Yes, I'm aware that most events were musical-related.

- I attended the temple regularly
- I survived 3 sememsters of school and kept my scholarship
- My voice is improving a ton!
- Made many new friends
- Made some new and improved decisions about what I'm doing with my life

- I've seen some friends make bad choices
- I have kept in touch/seen everyone who is important to me to some degree
- I've worked a lot

What stands out in my mind when I look back on 2010?
- Heavenly Father always provided a way for me to earn the money I needed.
- I learned so much about myself and who I want to be.
- I spent almost every night and some whole days of the year at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. Although I've been there for 9 years, I have never been in two shows in one season before. I have also never worked there for the entire year before. I pretty much lived there. 2010 will forever be "My Rodgers Year".
- I have had people question my beliefs. This has never really happened before. I have had to re-examined my testimony of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and I find it to be more important to me than it ever has been before!

Looking Ahead to 2011
This year is going to be full of so many changes! Many of my friends are leaving on missions and some are getting married. There will be a new theatre to (hopefully) call home.

And for me personally, there will be some changes that I'm starting to get pretty excited about!

To semi-quote one of my favorite TV characters (Don't judge me):

2011 is going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY! LEGENDARY!!!!

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