Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Argentina #12

So my new companion is Hermana Sosa, and she is from Formosa, Argentina. She´s so nice! She only has one transfer more after this one and so she is sharing her wisdom with me everyday. It´s great!

I went fishing yesterday at the ocean. There were seals there! I have pictures that I will maybe send one day, or you might just have to wait 13 months to see them. Eeek! I can´t believe how fast my mission is going! It´s freaking me out!

My castellano is coming along pretty well. My grammar isn´t the best and my vocabulary is small, but people usually seem to understand me, so that´s good! and if I have improved this much in 3 months, I know I will get much better throughout my mission. It´s really a miracle that we can learn a language so fast.

I´m working hard, I´m happy, and that is about it!
Love you all!
Waiting in Caleta Olivia for Hermana Sosa

Argentina #11

Hello Family! How are you?!

I am great! First of all, this week was insane! We were in Las Heras all of Tuesday as a district. On wednesday we were in Caleta Olivia because we had to practice our song with  Elder Slaugh, our accompanist. On Thursday we left at 6:30 in the morning for Comodoro. The conference with Elder Foster was great! I learned so much! And our musical number went really well! We sang ¨Come Thou Fount¨ again because we love it! And we already knew it, so yeah.

So we back to Pico Truncado Thursday night, and worked like crazy to reach our goals for the week! We wanted to reach the Standard of Excellence because we were pretty sure that it was our last week together. And guess what?! We reached the goal! I have no idea how, but somehow we did it! It was a miracle!

Oh yeah..... we had a baptism! My very first! I am about the happiest person ever right now! Her name is Florencia, she is 22, and she pretty much appeared out of nowhere two and a half weeks ago,and was super serious about recieving an answer from the start. Miracles, miracles everywhere! Seriously I am so happy! I don´t know why it had to take so long for us to have a baptism when we were working so hard all along, but I know that Heavenly Father´s plan for us is always the best :)

Also, today is transfers! I am staying in Pico Truncado. Hna. Arcos went to Neuquén, and my new companion is Hna. Sosa. She is from the Northern part of Argentina, but I don´t know exactly where. She only has a couple of transfers left in her mission. I haven´t met her yet because she has to take a super long bus ride to get here, since Pico Truncado is the end of the Earth! I am staying with the Hermanas in Caleta until she comes tomorrow evening. I am glad my companion is a Latina, or else my Castellano would die! It is a little scary though because I am the person who knows the area and have to help her learn. I am so used to being the new person, it´s a little weird! But I am super excited!

And....that is about it! It was a super crazy week! But the best one of my mission so far! I love you all and hope that you are just as happy as I am!


Hermana Sandorf

Bretleigh's Zone with Elder Foster

Baptism of Florencia

Argentina #10

Hello everybody! And Happy Valentine[s Day tomorrow! Where is the time going?! Pretty sure I was just celebrating Halloween in the MTC! It is so crazy how fast this is going!

(Breanna, I sent you a letter 2 weeks ago, but I just read your dearElder on the computer, and it is easier if I just tell you right here that yes you should audition! The End.)

So this past week Hna. Arcos and I were both way sick with fevers, and she was also sick to her stomach, and we had to spend most of thursday and friday in the pension. We did not like it, but everytime we would leave for like an hour, and then have to come back because we had spent all of our energy. Plus Hna. Peterson said that I would recover faster if we took it easy. It is so weird how that is something I don{t want to do right now. If someone gave me permission to take a break from school and work, I would totally do it! But here in the mission field I feel awful if I am resting because there is a ton of stuff to do.

So this is the last week of this transfer, and we are freaking out because we have so many things we want to accomplish, but we are going to be in Las Heras Tuesday to work with our district there, we are going to be in Caleta Olivia on Wednesday to work with the other hermanas and to practice with our accompanist, and Thursday we will be in Comodoro to sing and listen to Elder Foster. Hna Arcos thinks she is going to leave Pico Truncado, and so she{s sad we won{t be here much this week. All of this traveling really is a pain, but oh well....
I had a dream that I was teaching Emma Watson about the Restoration. Right before we went to bed, I was telling Hna Arcos about Lexi and her mission to London, and how we were obsessed with Daniel Radcliffe in 5th grade, and so I think that is where my brain came up with this idea! But she accepted a Baptismal date in my dream! haha

Yesterday we had a Family home Evening with an inactive family in our ward in the house of another family. The dad of the active family gave all of his children and the children of the other family a blessing because today is the first day of school here. And I realized how grateful I am that my Dad could do that for me, and that my parents always taught me about the Gospel. Gosh I love you guys! You do not even know how blessed we are in our family. Seriously.

Ok that is all. I always forget everything I want to say once I get to the ciber. So...yeah! Love you all!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Argentina #9

So this week started out really great with a Valentine´s package from you guys! Thank you! I wasn´t expecting a package so soon! And I LOVED IT!!!!! Those chocolate and peanut butter (I really miss peanut butter) Bugles were fantastic, and Hna. Arcos also thought they were the greatest thing ever! We have a lot of fun sharing treats from our countries with one another. I also recieved a letter from Sam-Thanks pal! I also got the Family slideshow from the Woottons, and my entire district watched it with me! The babies are so big! And so cute! I loved it! And everyone in my district wants me to cut my bangs back to how they were, but that would be too much work! My straightener fizzed out a week ago, and it´s not worth it to buy a new one here because everything is so expensive, so I am going to wait and see if I can get one cheaper when I eventually am closer to Neuquen (since I literally can´t get any further).

This week we had a Branch Activity. It was a talent show. And I sang ¨Come thou Fount of Every Blessing (in Castellano)¨ with Hna. Arcos. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself. And next week, Elder Bradley D. Foster is coming to our mission, and President Peterson has asked that Hna. Arcos and I do a musical number for when Elder Foster comes to Comodoro! We are really nervous! haha

This past week we put 5 people on date for baptism,we had 13 new investigators, and we recieved 20 referrals! So we are working really really hard! And we have faith that everything is going to work out great!

That is about all I have to say for this week! I love you all! Have a good week!