Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Argentina #11

Hello Family! How are you?!

I am great! First of all, this week was insane! We were in Las Heras all of Tuesday as a district. On wednesday we were in Caleta Olivia because we had to practice our song with  Elder Slaugh, our accompanist. On Thursday we left at 6:30 in the morning for Comodoro. The conference with Elder Foster was great! I learned so much! And our musical number went really well! We sang ¨Come Thou Fount¨ again because we love it! And we already knew it, so yeah.

So we back to Pico Truncado Thursday night, and worked like crazy to reach our goals for the week! We wanted to reach the Standard of Excellence because we were pretty sure that it was our last week together. And guess what?! We reached the goal! I have no idea how, but somehow we did it! It was a miracle!

Oh yeah..... we had a baptism! My very first! I am about the happiest person ever right now! Her name is Florencia, she is 22, and she pretty much appeared out of nowhere two and a half weeks ago,and was super serious about recieving an answer from the start. Miracles, miracles everywhere! Seriously I am so happy! I don´t know why it had to take so long for us to have a baptism when we were working so hard all along, but I know that Heavenly Father´s plan for us is always the best :)

Also, today is transfers! I am staying in Pico Truncado. Hna. Arcos went to Neuquén, and my new companion is Hna. Sosa. She is from the Northern part of Argentina, but I don´t know exactly where. She only has a couple of transfers left in her mission. I haven´t met her yet because she has to take a super long bus ride to get here, since Pico Truncado is the end of the Earth! I am staying with the Hermanas in Caleta until she comes tomorrow evening. I am glad my companion is a Latina, or else my Castellano would die! It is a little scary though because I am the person who knows the area and have to help her learn. I am so used to being the new person, it´s a little weird! But I am super excited!

And....that is about it! It was a super crazy week! But the best one of my mission so far! I love you all and hope that you are just as happy as I am!


Hermana Sandorf

Bretleigh's Zone with Elder Foster

Baptism of Florencia

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