Yesterday was Father's Day, and I would just like to inform you all that I have a wonderful father. This is in no order, I am just going to type random thoughts and memories.
According to most people, I look just like my dad. I consider this a compliment because my dad is very handsome. And when he was younger, all the girls thought he was way attractive (I learned this from reading his high school yearbooks hahaha).
Dad loves sports. I hope that I get this right: he played soccer, baseball and football in high school. He went to BYU and LOVES that school. He played on the BYU JV baseball team. He takes us to Provo for sporting events for fun.
He loves history. He is always reading Biographies and other random history books. You can ask him anything about history, and he usually knows it. He helped me write pretty much all of my history papers. In 7th grade, I went straight into Algebra instead of taking pre-Algebra first. It was the hardest class I've ever taken because I just didn't have the foundation I needed to understand that class. Dad stayed up with me every night and helped with my homework for that whole entire year.
The first musical my dad took me to was My Fair Lady at BHS in...1997, I think. And it was then that I learned that after seeing a musical with Dad, he acts out the whole thing if there are fun accents. I love that he gets really excited about musicals even though he has never participated in one and no one in his family did them and he is tone deaf. My dad gave me my first bouquet of a dozen red roses when I was fifteen. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! My dad has a really funny laugh when he laughs really hard. My dad and I think a lot of the same things are funny. My dad also thinks I'm funny, which I appreciate because not many people do.
I love that my Dad can always give me a blessing when I need one. I love that he wants me to succeed in the things that I love.
One more story about my dad that makes me cry whenever my mom tells me about it- It's a really random story but for some reason it means a lot to me. You might get grossed out by this but oh well! One time when I was a almost one year old I was very very constipated, and I was screaming and crying and very miserable. And my dad felt so bad. So what did he do? He started pulling the poop out of my bum with his bare hands so that I was no longer in pain. And I think that that was so kind of him!
I love my Dad!
1 comment:
This was the sweetest thing ever! And I loved the story at the very end! Haha Bret, you are my favorite! :)
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