Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, October 27, 2011

MTC #5

Hello! How is everybody doing?! This week has been very eventful. Some of them are not very good events, and some are awesome! Here is what has happened this week:

First of all, thank you for the package! I gave Tay the cookies you sent him. And Rylie sent me some amazing cupcakes. Tell her thank you from me because I don't have her address. That was so sweet and I really appreciate it!

This week Hna. Nelson and I had a huge breakthrough with both of our investigators. They are now keeping their commitments!

Our zone had a huge kickball game during gym the other day. It was way fun!

While we waited for the Fireside to start on Sunday, I gave the Elders in my district a voice lesson. It was hilarious! But they all sounded way better after.

It's just been a super fun and spiritual this week. Yesterday in gym I was running with Hna. Meldrum telling her how much I've loved my 4 weeks at the MTC, and how I really haven't had the struggles like everyone else had had. I spoke too soon.

I was getting ready after gym, and I stood up kind of weird. Immediately, I had this terrible pain shoot through my back, and I thought I was going to pass out it hurt so bad. Then I started to cry, because I was standing there and couldn't move or bend or shift my weight or anything. I have never been in that much pain in my life. Hna. Nelson went to go get the Athletic Trainer because she is right next to our building. I was all alone, and I was freaking out. I wanted my mommy to figure out what the problem was and I wanted my daddy to give me a blessing. I started bawling because I thought I was going to have to go home, and that sounds like the worst thing ever to me. Hermana Nelson came back with some ice and we ace bandaged the ice to my back. It looked ridiculous. The goal was to get my back numb enough so I could get to the trainer's office because she isn't allowed to come to our room. It took forever, because I could barely walk, but we got there. First they checked for spine injuries just in case, but it wasn't likely because all I did was stand up. They decided that I have pulled a muscle in my lower right back. They did "stem treatment", which is like electric currents or something. I don't really know. But after it, I could a little better. The pain went from a 10 to maybe like an 8. The Hermanas asked me what they could do for me,and I said all that I wanted was a blessing. They asked the Zone leaders if there was a certain person who had to give me a blessing, or if I could choose. They told me to choose whoever I wanted. I chose Elder Kimball to bless me, and Elder Hudgins to annoint me, or whatever it's called. I think I hurt the feelings of some of the other Elders in my district. I just felt like they should do it, even though I am not the closest to them. It was the sweetest blessing I've ever had. They were both so nervous. Elder Kimball took so much time to make sure he was listening to the Spirit. I was blessed that I would heal. I was also couseled to be humble and submissive to the will of the Lord, and that I would rely on prayer on my mission and throughout my life. It was so sweet.

Since then, I have been walking around like a grandma/pregnant lady. It's ridiculous. It hurts SO BAD!!! I have never had this much pain in my life! It hurts my right leg, too. It hurts everytime I breathe, laugh, bend, stand - anything. I keep laughing because I look so pathetic, which makes me hurt worse. Everyone is being so kind to me. Elder Packer, one of my Zone leaders, keeps wheeling me in a chair between my classroom and the bathroom. The Hermanas in my room help me put on my skirt and shoes. I hate relying on other people, but I'm so glad I am surrounded by amazing people.

I keep going back to get stem treatment and in a day or two they are going to start massaging the muscle. It hurts, but I needed some trial to draw me closer to the Lord. It's working.

I love you all! Send more dearElders!


(Please pray for Bretleigh that she can recover from her injury. Thanks!)

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