Me looking wise....?
This time, however, I put these thoughts together in my own words, which is why they sound a lot harsher, and probably make no sense. Here is my W.W.O.B:
Happiness has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with your life going well. Nothing. You could have the crappiest life ever and still be happy. I do not believe that happiness and being content are the same thing. You can be happy no matter what.
As I have mentioned before, January-March of 2009 pretty much were not fun for me. Someone I trusted more than anyone else had lied to me, I lost a best friend, I felt super alone, I wasn't going to BYU, and then my back-up plan, the U, had also fallen through. I was doing two musicals and choir stuff, and sterling scholar portfolios. I had no time to see friends and I really never even saw my family because I was always gone. And the fear that I will live my whole life alone randomly came out and scared me a lot during this time. My self esteem has always been pretty good but it was really low. I was miserable, and I was not content. People would ask me if I was ok, but you know what? I could never say that I wasn't happy. During that time, whenever I thought about how stinky everything was going, I always knew that I had a Heavenly Father that loved me, and that He knew that I was tough and he was only trying to make me stronger. I knew that Christ knew exactly how I felt, and that eventually, things would get better. It is impossible to be unhappy if we know that Heavenly Father loves us, because we know that someone is on our side and believes in us.
You know what? Things did get better for me. Everything didn't magically disappear, but I learned how to handle struggles and appreciate my Heavenly Father more. I think I learned more in that short little time than in the rest of my life.
Here is a sidenote to my W.W.O.B:
Happiness comes from serving others. When I spend my time focusing on myself and how miserable I am, nothing ever gets better. It is impossible to be happy if you only think about yourself. But when you serve others you recieve joy because you catch a glimpse of Heavenly Fathers love for us.
So, if you are not happy, you know what to do. That doesn't mean your problems will go away, but they will become bearable.
Thanks, Bretleigh! I love your WWOBs!
why do i feel like this was directed towards me?
Thanks Bretleigh! I needed to hear that. And I love you a whole lot! :)
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