Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, October 13, 2011

MTC Email #3

Hola mi familia!

How in the heck are you guys?! Is Oklahoma done? That reminds me, my district went to the temple this morning at 7:30. It was pretty chilly. But when we came outside after the session, it was absolutely beautiful, and I started singing a song.....yep. You guessed it! "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'". AND we ate lunch outside today. It's just a gorgeous day and I am in love with it.

ANYWAY, so let me know what will be going on for Beauty and the Beast. Isn't so fun to go right from one musical to the another?! haha. Tell Chelsea congratulations on being Belle!!!!! That is so awesome! I'm so jealous. We all know that is one of my dream roles! Oh, last week Elder Snelson wrote across the classroom white board "Sister Sandorf WILL be on Broadway!" I have a picture of it that I will send sometime. Haha it's been there ever since and each time a teacher comes in and reads it they try to make me sing a song for them. Except I say no. I have become even more self concious of my voice, which is weird. But oh well.

So, Hermana Nelson and I now teach two investigators, Carolina and Ezra (they are really just more teachers fyi). Carolina is Catholic and has a teenage daughter and Ezra doesn't believe in anything and is a college student. So the lessons are way different with each of them. Hermana Nelson and I are getting better at teaching, although my Spanish is still not coming very well. It's hard because I'm used to always succeeding and being one of the best in school. But this struggle keeps me humble and aware that I can't do any of this without the help of Heavenly Father and the Spirit. I'm learning that more all of the time. With each lesson, we have to listen and figure out what we need to teach, because unlike the olden days with discussions, we can start anywhere and teach in any order. We just have to rely on the Spirit. It's taking some getting used to, but I like this way of thinking. Planning lessons goes kind of slowly, there is a lot of silence and pondering, but knowing you're recieving revelation is really cool.

Want to know something I love? The Polynesian Elders sing wherever they go. They are walking around outside the building I am in, and they are singing hymns with their lovely voices. It is fantastic. I want to know why they sound they way they do- is it different harmonies than the usual 3rds and 6ths, or is it that the cavities in their faces are different? Yes, I'm a Vocal Pedagogy Major haha. Hopefully I'll learn this stuff as I go further in school.

Mom, my clothes are doing well, thank you for asking :). And my Mary Jane-ish shoes are AMAZING!!!! I am the only sister I know who doesn't have blisters on her feet. And I have not had any foot pain at all. I haven't worn the clogs yet because, let's face it, they are ugly, and I'm not planning on wearing them until I'm walking in mud in Argentina.

Rae and Mom, thanks for the dearElder. Let everyone know about dearElder! I would love more mail. I get the least amount of mail by far in my district, but I think it's good that it's me because I am by far the strongest emotionally. A lot of people are struggling. Apparently, it's weird that I have been great this whole time. At least that is what all of my teachers say. The only moment I felt homesick this week was when I saw a baby, and I thought of my babies at work. And I miss them so much! I miss you all too, but you're not as cute ;)

Have a good week everyone! I love you all!


Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf

1 comment:

Jim Hudgins said...

Sister Sandorf, my son is going to the same mission as you. Not only that but he is in your district, Elder Kyle Hudgins. I have been reading as many missionary blogs as I can find of missionaries serving in the Argentina Neuquén Mission and just stumbled across yours. I love reading your comments and will be following your throughout your mission. Good luck to you. We will add you to our prayers for blessings and encouragement throughout your time.

Jim Hudgins <--- Elder Kyle Hudgins' Blog.