Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Job!

Okay, so for the past year I have been working at the Eldredge Manor. I love it there and the schedule has been perfect for me because I only had to work once a week. But now I am realizing that in order to pay for gas, insurance, my phone, and next semester's books, I am going to need to work more. But most places would require me to work a lot and I still want to be able to do shows and see friends and such. So I figured I would be poor forever.

But then I was at my voice lesson with Cecily Ellis-Bills (she's is the best teacher ever!). Her mom is in charge of hiring at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. And she was talking to Cecily during my lesson about how she needed to find someone to do concessions twice a week. Then I said that I needed a job and loved RMT and she hired me right then! I am so happy! I have always wanted to work there since I was little. It will give me a chance to be at the theatre even though I don't have time to be in a show there. Yay!

I am still working at the Eldredge Manor as well! So I work at weddings and Rodgers! They are like my two favorite things! I'm so lucky!

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