Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Argentina #1

Hello Everyone!
I AM IN FREAKING ARGENTINA!!!! It´s so awesome! I´m sooo happy to be here! But this has been one of the weirdest weeks of my life.
Our district had a really hard time saying goodbye to each other. Our ¨hasta ver¨ was very sad. I love those people so so so much.
Monday, Our teachers came to the travel office and we all said goodbye. I had to say goodbye to Hermana Nelson, and that was very sad.I had to be with Elders Kimball and Hudgins. I missed her so much! Then we left for the airport with like 27 other missionaries, which included Elders Snelson, King, and Hancock and Hnas. Sweet and Shoaf. It was insane! Checking in was a joke. But everything worked out. Mom, I loved talking to you! It was so great! But it felt normal, like I was just talking to you after a day of school.Weird. Love you!
So we flew to Atlanta, then we flew to Buenos Aires. 10 hour flight. Ugh. It was not very comfortable for anyone. Elder Kimball is 6´6¨, Elder Hudgins is pretty tall too. The three of us were squished together in a row. Therefore, no one slept much. We arrived in Buenos Aires at 8 in the morning. The next flight until Neuquen wasn´t until 9 pm. So the three of us sat in an airport for a million years. There are a lot of funny stories about our airport experience, but I wrote it all down perfectly and I will share it with you in April 2013, ok?!
We arrived in Neuquen, and I slept in the Mission Home. I got to bed at 1am. and we left the next morning (Wednesday) to the immagration office at 7am. We were so tired at this point. Then, Elder Presley (who was helping us get our papers) Said, ¨Hna. Sandorf! I´m really excited about your first Area, and about your trainer. Hna. Arcos is Latina, and doesn´t speak English, so you´ll learn really fast! And your Area is Pico Truncado. It´s a twenty hour bus ride from here.¨ When I heard this, I tried to sound excited, but apparently it didn´t work. When Elder Presley left, Elder Kimball said, Äre you ok? You looked like you were going to throw up!¨haha
I met Hna Arcos the next day (Thursday). She´s super nice! And she´s a great missionary! And somehow we understand each other. We arrived in Pico Truncado Friday Night. I really like it here. Our home is pretty nice. The people are so kind. I love them already. The food is good- the members love to feed us. I learned how to make Empanadas last night with La Familia Flores. I´ve already been served like 5 meals, and so far haven´t gotten sick. They use bottled water for cooking. Some of the other things they do aren´t as sanitary, but they try to keep every thing clean. And I always pray really hard before I eat. haha.
While I´ve been here (3 days) We´ve put one person on date. Her name is Petrona. We have six other people with dates this month, and they all have to get married! No one is married here. But hopefully it will all work out.
I love you all. I wish I could share with you more experiences, but I am out of time. I have everything in my journal, I´ll share it with you someday. I´m doing great. I´m a little MTCsick, and I wish that there was someone around me who spoke English, but I know that it will all work out! I´m happy to be a missionary!
Love you all!
Hna. Sandorf
P.S. You can still use dearElder. Now, you send it to the mission instead of to the MTC. It goes straight from the mission office to me.

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