Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Argentina #3

Hi Family! How are you? I am doing great!

Ok, about Christmas- I have idea when I am going to call. I can´t call in the evening at Tutu´s because here it will be past 9;00 here. So, I will either call between 730 am 1200 pm (your time, of course) or between 230 and 430. Hopefully it will work out! It´s hard with church and the families that we are eating with. So make sure you answer the phone!

Ok, so about the Funes Family. I seriously don´t know if we are going to have a baptism this Saturday or not. They are an awesome family, and we are so close with them. They always tell us their feelings, and they are trying really hard to change. The Spirit is always really strong in the lessons with them. But stinking Satan keeps interefering and so every other day they start freaking out, because they know it´s a huge life change. So I seriously have no idea. I believe that miracles can happen, but people have their agency, so we´ll see. But if they get baptized it will be the happiest thing ever in my life, and my Christmas will be complete! haha seriously.

Friday was the Branch Christmas Party. It was way fun! We missionaries (there are Elders in our branch, too- both Latino. There is NO ONE to speak English with haha) were the entertainment. We sang Christmas Carols. We had 3 investigators come to the party! Yay!

Oh my gosh, it is so hot here. I feel like I am melting all of the time. I thought that if I was this far south it would never get this hot. I was so wrong! But I´m so grateful I´m not in Neuquén right now, because apparently they´re dying of heat.

Want to know something funny? One of the Elders in my district knows all of the lyrics to the songs from High School musical ( in English). And he´s from El Salvador. It is hilarious to me!

Ok, now I will try to answer some of your questions. Hna. Arcos and I live in a house alone. I don´t think missionaries live with families anymore. It is like all the other houses here- One living space, a bathroom, and two bedrooms. We have a fridge, and a semi-automatic clothes washer. It´s so ghetto. It´s kind of like a Bosch, but for clothes, not bread dough. We have running water and electricity. We have a Special water dispenser for drinking water. It´s not like I´m in a 3rd world country. But it is WAY different here that home. But that´s ok ;)

All of the people here think I´m totally stupid because I don´t know how to use anything here! Cell phones, the toilets, keys and door locks. It´s pretty funny. I was asked by the Relief Society President to peel potatoes, but with a knife, not a potato peeler. She looked at me like I´m so pathetic because it took me FOREVER! haha but that´s ok.

I hope that you all have the best Christmas ever! Although I know it can´t be that great with me haha. I´m sorry I didn´t have a choir concert this year for you to go to. That is the first time in a billion years! Don´t worry, there will be plenty more at Weber after my mission, since it´s gonna take forever for me to graduate!

I love you all! So much! Merry Christmas! ¡Felices Fiestas!

Hna. Bretleigh Sandorf

P.S Can you please tell me about my friends? Like does Lex have a mission call? Is Caitlin engaged yet? haha stuff like that. Also, how are all of my musical missionaries? Could you please send me some of their adresses? I only have Zach´s, Jacob´s and Grant´s. I was planning on sending everyone a letter for their birthday, but now I don´t think that is going to happen. We´ll see!

Oh! and....

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