Sunday, November 4, 2012
Argentina #46 (October 29th)
Hello Everyone!
Another transfer has come and gone - I can´t believe it! But I am still here is Limay! Yay!!! 6 transfers is a long time in one place, but I love Limay with all of my heart! I had a dream the other night that President called me and told me I had to leave Limay and I yelled at him and cried and refused to leave. Then I woke up crying, and realized that it was a dream! And I was so happy! P.S. I would never really yell at President Lovell! haha
Today it is not raining! And so we went downtown and went shopping for souveniers (I do not remember how to spell at all!) and then we bought Milanesa Sandwiches and ate in a plaza and then we were thirsty and I realized that Argentina doesn´t have drinking fountains! Hna. Santiago said that they don´t exist in Mexico either. I am so spoiled!
Tuesday was Hna. Santiago´s 22nd birthday. I made her a cake and we used my left over princess plates and table cloth. So cute!
So now in my zone are the 2 latino Elders who arrived with me to the Mission. They are both so suprised at how I speak Spanish pretty well. I started thinking about how I have changed since I first got here. There are a lot of changes (spiritual, physical, etc), but one change is that now I absolutely love Argentina and the people. At first I put up with their weird ways, then I liked their weirdness, then I embraced it, and now I am one of them! haha I hadn´t realized it until Hna. Santiago came from Mexico and I remembered that I was once a North American like her! haha (seriously she is so gringa). Funny how that happens in the mission.
So this letter was pretty fluffy. sorry about that! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Hermana Sandorf
Argentina #45
So it has just been raining like crazy lately! The Neuquinos say that it never rains here! Last monday and Tuesday most of the roads were closed and we saw a few people traveling in kayaks to get around Neuquén. It was awesome! It was hard for us to get to our appointments because we were walking in about a foot of water, and my pobrecita mexican companion doesn´t have boots and stuff for this kind of weather and was cold and wet and not enjoying life too much,
Miracle of the week: We were going about our day, when I thought of a woman named Bruni that we should go visit. Bruni is the daughter of Juanita, an ancient lady who was baptized a year and a half ago and is the sweetest woman ever! Bruni often eats lunch with us in her moms house, but she doesn´t want to talk to us about religion. She already heard all of the lessons two times, and so we have only been her friends. Everytime we have tried to go to her house, she always says that she´s busy and can´t listen to us right now. But the other day, I thought of her, and she lived nearby so we went to her house. She actually let us in! That had never happened before. Then, we started to read a scripture about the Jesus and she suddenly started bawling! She told us how she felt stuck and couldn´t find a way out of her problems, and how we had arrived right when she had needed us. She said that this time God was telling her that she needed to listen to us. So now we are teaching her. It is pretty awesome.
This Gospel is true! It changes lives! It definitely is changing my life everyday. I am so grateful to be a missionary!
Love you all!
Argentina #44
Hello! How are you all doing?! I am just happy as can be!
So right now we have three couples working on their papers to get married. It takes about four to eight weeks to do the papers and get married. It´s a little frustrating, but it´s a blessing that they all want to get married so that they can get baptized! We have seen lots of miracles! I just hope that I am here for their baptisms!
I never end up with much time to write you guys. My letters to President have started to get a little lengthy haha so I have less time to write you all. Sorry. But I do have a funny and a little awkward story to tell you.
Last week I had to go do the papers to renew my visa. There were a bunch of police man and government officials in the building everwhere. I was sitting with the policeman who was doing my papers. There was another policeman in the room, and Elder Arenas, our mission secretary. Here is the converstion that happened.
Policeman: Did you go to school before your mission?
Me: Yes. For two years.
P: What were you studying?
Me: Music.
Elder Arenas: Yeah! She sings so well! I sat next to her the other day in a meeting and heard her sing! It´s so incredible!
Both of the Policemen: Sing something!
P: Yes!
Elder: Sing Hermana!
P: Please!
this went for five minutes finally I said ok. Elder Arenas left the room, and I started to sing ¨I never knew his name¨ from Civil War
When I finished, the whole building started clapping and cheering. What had happened is that when Elder Arenas left the room, he went to all of the offices and told them that I would be singing. They were all listening behind the door. There were like fifty people listening! I was so embarrassed. And Elder Arenas and has told everyone what happened and so everyone asks makes fun of me- missionaries, members, policeman....yep.
ok I have to go.
Love you all!
Hermana sandorf
Argentina #43
Hello! How are you all doing?! This week was AMAZING for me!!!!
So first of all, yes I am sure that everyone is freaking out about the age change with the missionaries! All of the hermanas were a little ticked at first because now we are going to be old. And the Elders instantly started calling us old ladies and saying a bunch of stuff to bug us. But we got over it quickly.And I am so thrilled for all of these girls who have this opportunity! Missions are the best thing ever!
So conference was amazing! I listened to the whole thing in Spanish, and I felt way proud of myself. But I would like to read it English (our stake president didn´t want an English room. He must be jealous that we can hear the prophet´s real voice haha jk). So mom, the second that they release the ensign, send it to me quickly! PLEASE!!!!!!
We had a lot of great investigators in the conference! And Friday night, our whole district was in downtown Neuquén inviting all of the people to conference! It was so fun! We a table and signs and we asked people in the streets if they had questions that they would like to ask God, and then we told them that they could recieve the answer in the conference. It was way cool!
I am so grateful that we have a prophet on earth. It is something that so few people know. I am so grateful that God speaks to us, His children, through His servants, or else I would have no clue what to do with my life. We are so blessed!
I love you all! I hope you are doing well!
love, Hermana Sandorf
Argentina #42
Hello everyone!
So this week so much has happened! I am so exhausted. We are going to sleep for our pday because we are emotionally drained (but with happiness!).
Marcelo and Aluminé were baptized this weekend! FINALLY!!!!! It was all a huge miracle and I don´t really know what we did differently but the Spirit definitely guided us. We talked with them Tuesday, and put the date for Saturday and they really were baptized! And Hna. Santiago was so happy to have her first baptism! It made me even happier!
ok, other huge miracle. I don´t remember what I have already told you...
In May, when I was with Hna. Cruz, a woman stopped us in the street and told us she wanted to be baptized. Her whole family had been baptized when she was 3, but by the time she turned 8 they had become inactive. Ever since then she has wanted to be baptized in the church but she didn´t know how to do it.Her name is Karina. Her boyfriend, Francisco, was baptized when he was 10 but his family stopped going shortly after. They decided that they would look for missionaries.
So when Karina stopped us in the street, we were really excited! But she lived in the area of the Elders. The elders went a couple of times and then stopped!
So last transfer, when they took the Elders out of Limay, I immediately thought of her. We tried to find her but she was never home. My last week with Hna. Ibañez we found her. And when she saw us and we told her that we would be teaching her, she started to cry. She said that months ago when she had seen us in the street, she saw my face and she knew that I was the person who had come to teach her the gospel (and the funny part is that they day before she told me that, I told my companion that I didn´t know why I was put in this mission specifically, or why I have to be in Limay such a long time. Now I know!), and so she was confused when the Elders came. That was three weeks ago, and ever since then she has been the perfect investigator. She comes to church, reads the Book of Mormon, lives the word of wisdom etc. Her boyfriend too. But the other day when we taught them the Law of Chastity (they live together) they told us that they would NOT get married. We invited them to pray and ask God if He wants them to get married. Last night they told us that they were walking down the street, and someone from another church handed them a paper with wedding rings and a scripture from the bible about marriage on it. They took it as their answer! But it takes time to get married here in argentina so it might be a while, but they are getting married!
I Love being a missionary! And I am so grateful for this opportunity! There are miracles everywhere!
Have a great week!
So this week so much has happened! I am so exhausted. We are going to sleep for our pday because we are emotionally drained (but with happiness!).
Marcelo and Aluminé were baptized this weekend! FINALLY!!!!! It was all a huge miracle and I don´t really know what we did differently but the Spirit definitely guided us. We talked with them Tuesday, and put the date for Saturday and they really were baptized! And Hna. Santiago was so happy to have her first baptism! It made me even happier!
ok, other huge miracle. I don´t remember what I have already told you...
In May, when I was with Hna. Cruz, a woman stopped us in the street and told us she wanted to be baptized. Her whole family had been baptized when she was 3, but by the time she turned 8 they had become inactive. Ever since then she has wanted to be baptized in the church but she didn´t know how to do it.Her name is Karina. Her boyfriend, Francisco, was baptized when he was 10 but his family stopped going shortly after. They decided that they would look for missionaries.
So when Karina stopped us in the street, we were really excited! But she lived in the area of the Elders. The elders went a couple of times and then stopped!
So last transfer, when they took the Elders out of Limay, I immediately thought of her. We tried to find her but she was never home. My last week with Hna. Ibañez we found her. And when she saw us and we told her that we would be teaching her, she started to cry. She said that months ago when she had seen us in the street, she saw my face and she knew that I was the person who had come to teach her the gospel (and the funny part is that they day before she told me that, I told my companion that I didn´t know why I was put in this mission specifically, or why I have to be in Limay such a long time. Now I know!), and so she was confused when the Elders came. That was three weeks ago, and ever since then she has been the perfect investigator. She comes to church, reads the Book of Mormon, lives the word of wisdom etc. Her boyfriend too. But the other day when we taught them the Law of Chastity (they live together) they told us that they would NOT get married. We invited them to pray and ask God if He wants them to get married. Last night they told us that they were walking down the street, and someone from another church handed them a paper with wedding rings and a scripture from the bible about marriage on it. They took it as their answer! But it takes time to get married here in argentina so it might be a while, but they are getting married!
I Love being a missionary! And I am so grateful for this opportunity! There are miracles everywhere!
Have a great week!
Argentina #41 (September 24th)
Hello Everyone! Como Están? Oh my gosh I did not just write that is Spanish on purpose! I seriously cannot speak English anymore. Saturday we invited Hna. Ehmke (from the matrimony missionary couple) to come work with us because she´s getting a little down being in the office all the time. She´s so energetic and loves people and so it is a pleasure to work with her. She was so excited, but I kept having to translate for her and I couldn´t do it! haha I can write English, but speaking it is so hard.
Kimmy got baptized?! I am so so so happy! Wow there are so many blessings in our family right now, even though we have had hardships too! Slowly all of our family is returning, and we´re bringing new people to the gospel too! I love it!
I am sure you are all wondering about who I am training... my hijita is Hna. Santiago from Mexico City. She is really short, is fun to be around, and has so much energy! It´s great because being here in Limay so long could potencially make me slow down (that happens a lot when someone is in an area a long time) but she´s is so excited to be here that I am so excited too! I went to the mission Home on wednesday and we had lunch and then the trainers had a meeting with President. He told me that he is aware that I am going to be in Limay 9 months, but that that is where I need to be. Then we found out who we were going to train and we did some practices and getting to know you games, had dinner, and then a testimony meeting. Then we loaded up all of Hna. Santiago´s stuff in the Assistant´s car and they drove five minutes to our pension. haha way different than how I got to my first area! haha
Juan Carlos passed the sacrament in church yesterday for the first time and he was so happy! And I was too! It´s fun to be in an area a long time because you get to see your converts progress.
my first day in Limay, we taught Familia Gramajo. And we taught them everything, but they would not go to church. We taught them an taught them in every was we could think of, be they never went to church. So once Hna. Cruz left, I dropped them. We went back this week with Hna. Santiago and yesterday they went to church! And they loved it! Huge miracle!
We have a lot of other miracle stories this week, but as always I have run out of time! I love you all and hope you are doing well!
Hermana Sandorf
Argentina #40
So hi everyone! I don´t have much time and it is sad because we had a ton of miracles!!!! We have found some truly amazing people this week! I am in awe of all of the blessings Heavenly Father has given me this week! Missions are the greatest!
So, today is transfers, and this time I am training for real! They promised me that my refuerzo is coming this time! And so I am about to start my 5th transfer in Limay. That is a lot of time in one area! But if I have to be in an Area a long time, Limay is the place! I love love love limay!
Ok, that is really all I have time for this week. Sorry!
Hermana Sandorf
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Neuquen Zone-August 16th |
Argentina #39
Hello Everyone! How are all doing?!
Caleb and Kira, congratulations on your baptism!!!! I am so happy for you both! Remember when I played the piano for John´s baptism? Disaster! haha
So this week was AWESOME!!!!!
Saturday was the Cutural Event of the Church in Argentina to celebrate the Temple Dedication.
We went to the Stake center to see the Celebration through Satellite. It was broadcast from Buenos Aires. Elder Ballard, Elder Cristofferson, and President Eyring came for the dedication. Elder Cristofferson served in Argentina, and his spanish is super Argentino! It was great! The youth danced a bunch of traditional dances of Argentina and the they had Missionaries and returned missionaries come out onto the stadium to sing ¨Called to Serve¨ with the Youth and the Primary kids. I LOVED it!!!! And everyone needs to youtube the dance ¨Malambo¨ from Argentina because it is the coolest thing I have ever seen!
Yesterday was the Temple dedication. Of all the dedications I have been to (and there have been quite a few), this was by far my favorite. I don´t know if it´s because now I´ve gone through the temple, or what, but I was just so happy! I think it´s also because it´s an entire country that has been looking forward to this day for four years. I have seen the sacrifices that the members here have made to go to the temple, and how much they value the temple. They realize what a huge blessing it is in their lives. So it just gave the dedication a special feeling.
I am just so grateful for the temple. Now that I haven´t been able to go in such a long time, I realize even more how important it is. And it keeps me living the Gospel so that I never have to experience not being able to enter the temple. It´s about the worst thing I can think of. All of my life I have lived 10 minutes away from the temple. It´s a huge blessing!!!! Take advantage of it!!!
haha, ok, my preachyness is over. Transfers are next week, so we will see what happens! The members here in Limay joke that I should just by the apartment and ask for visiting teachers because I will be here forever haha.
I love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Argentina #38
Today is Labor Day?! I had no idea!
I have no time to write.
I am still with my mini Hna. Ibañez. She´s awesome!
We had a HUGE conference with Elder Zeballos! Four zones! (which never happens here because we are all so spread out!) I sang with 5 other Hermanas. We sang the Olive Tree in Spanish. It sounded AMAZING!!! Best musical number I have done in the mission! And they conference was incredible! I learned so much!
This Saturday is the celebration of the Buenos Aires Temple, and Sunday is the re Dedication. I am so excited! And so happy because Leo, Julieta, and Juan Carlos are going to be in the rededication too! (through sattellite, we won´t be in Buenos Aires haha) It´s almost like all being in the temple together! haha
I am so grateful for temples and the blessings they provide. I am so happy for the people here that they will have a temple again after 4 years! huge blessing!
Love you all! Take care!
Hna. Sandorf
Argentina #37 (August 27th)
Hi everyone!
Thank you for all of the emails! I had the greatest birthday weekend!
Mom, I got the package on Friday! LOVE IT!!!! Thank you so much!
Saturday Juan Carlos was baptized! It all worked out perfectly! I was so happy! And more importantly, Juan Carlos was happy! We found him on July 17th. He was taking a walk with his two children, and we contacted him and he said we could visit his family. And when we went to his house two days later, he listened so well and so did his kids, and they went to church that sunday and they fell in love with the church, the members, and everything! Juan Carlos loves to read the Book of Mormon! He reads it every night. His wife abandoned him and his kids two years ago, and learning about the atonement has really helped him feel better. His kids are too young to get baptized, but I they love church too! I am just so happy for them!
On my birthday after church we ate with the Hurtado family. We ate milanesa and a bunch of salads and they made a cake and gave me a present! They are so great!
Today is the birthday of Hermana Cedro, the ward choir director. The Cedros are my family here, and they invited us to eat asado with them in a couple hours to celebrate our birthdays together! So I am bringing the princess table cloth and plates and the tiaras that came in my package! And I made a cake, but not the oatmeal cake (I am not sharing that because it is my favorite! haha) to take!
Pretty much it has been the greatest week ever!
This thursday Elder Zeballos (I think that is how it´s spelled...?) from the Area Presidency is coming for a Special Conference. I am excited!
Since our area is now bigger, we started exploring the new area last week and we have found some great people! I love limay! It is the greatest area ever!
I hope everyone has a great week! Love you all!
Argentina #36
Hello Everyone!
How are you all doing?! I am doing great! First of all, I am back in Limay. I only had to be in Cipolletti for 2 days. I am with another mini, Hna. Ibañez, from Comodoro Rivadavia. She is great!
This week we had our first Zone Conference with President Lovell. It was awesome! He has made a lot of changes in the mission, but they are great changes and I know that it will help us to be better missionaries!
So Juan Carlos was not baptized last week. But don´t worry, he is getting baptized this week! It really was a huge miracle! He was looking for a place to live and last Friday night he still hadn´t found a place and so we had to cancel the baptism because we hadn´t been able to teach him because he was looking for a place to live. But, Saturday night, he found a place! But he didn´t tell us. The next morning when we got to church, he was already there, and told us that he found a place and was going to be able to stay! Yay! He said that he knew that God blessed him because his desire to stay in Limay was a righteous desire. He is so great!
I love being a missionary! It is the best thing ever! I hope you all have a great week! I know that I will!
Love you all!
Argentina #35
So missionary life is just full of twists and turns. Last night we found out that I will not be training because my companion can´t enter the country. But the mini that I had last week (Hna. Aleman from Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz) had to go home because she starts her classes today. So, right now I am in Cipolletti (a city in the province Rio Negro) waiting until they can find me another mini missionary. It´s kinda a bad week to be gone because we are going to have a baptism this Saturday! And we still have a couple things we need to teach. Well, I don´t know if we still are going to have a baptism because our investigator, Juan Carlos, was rejected from his brother´s house Saturday night because he´s going to be a Mormon. He still came to church the next day though! But, if he can´t find another place to live in this neighborhood he is going to had to live in another city with his dad. NOOOOOO!!!!!! It totally stinks but all the members of our ward are trying to help him. I´m trying to have faith.
Yep, ok that is about it this week! I love you all and hope that you enjoy the last little bit of your summer vacations!
Also, my birthday is in 13 days. So, if you haven´t sent me a letter during my mission this far, it would now be the perfect opportunity! Thanks!
Ok, love you all!
Hna. Sandorf
Argentina #34
So this transfer ended well. Hna. Di Stéfano and I didn´t end up having any baptisms but we have found so many people and have quite a few baptismal dates for this transfer so I am pretty excited.
Today I went to the Mission Home to say goodbye to Hna. Arcos. I just love her so much! And guess what?! We recieved permission to call Familia Funes. They screamed and cried and were so happy to hear our voices! And they suprised us with the news that they are getting married this Friday and baptized the following Saturday! And then it was our turn to cry and scream. They are seriously our favorite family ever, and we worked so hard to teach them the Gospel. They thanked us a bunch and told us that they were sorry that they didn´t get married earlier, and that their dream is that we can go to the temple with them in a year. So, mom and dad, start saving up because we are going to be returning to Argentina! Or at least I will be! Saying goodbye to Hna Arcos was so sad, we both cried a ton. She is the only companion that I´ve cried with when I had to say goodbye. There is just a special bond between trainers and their refuerzos (I have no idea what the word is in English in this moment). Which leads me to my next announcement....
I am going to be training! When I found out, I was absolutely terrified! Hna. Arcos was so excited when I told her, and was telling everyone in the mission home, ¨I´m going to be a Grandma!¨ haha. And we talked for a long time about the responsibilities and a bunch of stuff and so now I feel a lot better.
Because of visa problems, my refuerzo won´t get here until August 14, and so I will be with another mini missionary for a week. And, they removed the Elders from the Limay Ward, and so now it is just me and my companion with an area twice as big. It´s gonna be a challenging tranfer, but I think that we are going to see a lot of miracles and I am really excited!
I love you all and hope that you all have a great week!
Hermana Sandorf
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