Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Argentina #45


So it has just been raining like crazy lately! The Neuquinos say that it never rains here! Last monday and Tuesday most of the roads were closed and we saw a few people traveling in kayaks to get around Neuquén. It was awesome! It was hard for us to get to our appointments because we were walking in about a foot of water, and my pobrecita mexican companion doesn´t have boots and stuff for this kind of weather and was cold and wet and not enjoying life too much,

Miracle of the week: We were going about our day, when I thought of a woman named Bruni that we should go visit. Bruni is the daughter of Juanita, an ancient lady who was baptized a year and a half ago and is the sweetest woman ever! Bruni often eats lunch with us in her moms house, but she doesn´t want to talk to us about religion. She already heard all of the lessons two times, and so we have only been her friends. Everytime we have tried to go to her house, she always says that she´s busy and can´t listen to us right now. But the other day, I thought of her, and she lived nearby so we went to her house. She actually let us in! That had never happened before. Then, we started to read a scripture about the Jesus and she suddenly started bawling! She told us how she felt stuck and couldn´t find a way out of her problems, and how we had arrived right when she had needed us. She said that this time God was telling her that she needed to listen to us. So now we are teaching her.  It is pretty awesome.

This Gospel is true! It changes lives! It definitely  is changing my life everyday. I am so grateful to be a missionary!

Love you all!


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