Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Argentina #41 (September 24th)

Hello Everyone! Como Están? Oh my gosh I did not just write that is Spanish on purpose! I seriously cannot speak English anymore. Saturday we invited Hna. Ehmke (from the matrimony missionary couple) to come work with us because she´s getting a little down being in the office all the time. She´s so energetic and loves people and so it is a pleasure to work with her. She was so excited, but I kept having to translate for her and I couldn´t do it! haha I can write English, but speaking it is so hard.

Kimmy got baptized?! I am so so so happy! Wow there are so many blessings in our family right now, even though we have had hardships too! Slowly all of our family is returning, and we´re bringing new people to the gospel too! I love it!

I am sure you are all wondering about who I am training... my hijita is Hna. Santiago from Mexico City. She is really short, is fun to be around, and has so much energy! It´s great because being here in Limay so long could potencially make me slow down (that happens a lot when someone is in an area a long time) but she´s is so excited to be here that I am so excited too! I went to the mission Home on wednesday and we had lunch and then the trainers had a meeting with President. He told me that he is aware that I am going to be in Limay 9 months, but that that is where I need to be. Then we found out who we were going to train and we did some practices and getting to know you games, had dinner, and then a testimony meeting. Then we loaded up all of Hna. Santiago´s stuff in the Assistant´s car and they drove five minutes to our pension. haha way different than how I got to my first area! haha

Juan Carlos passed the sacrament in church yesterday for the first time and he was so happy! And I was too! It´s fun to be in an area a long time because you get to see your converts progress.

my first day in Limay, we taught Familia Gramajo. And we taught them everything, but they would not go to church. We taught them an taught them in every was we could think of, be they never went to church. So once Hna. Cruz left, I dropped them. We went back this week with Hna. Santiago and yesterday they went to church! And they loved it! Huge miracle!

We have a lot of other miracle stories this week, but as always I have run out of time! I love you all and hope you are doing well!


Hermana Sandorf

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