Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Argentina #34


So this transfer ended well. Hna. Di Stéfano and I didn´t end up having any baptisms but we have found so many people and have quite a few baptismal dates for this transfer so I am pretty excited.

Today I went to the Mission Home to say goodbye to Hna. Arcos. I just love her so much! And guess what?! We recieved permission to call Familia Funes. They screamed and cried and were so happy to hear our voices! And they suprised us with the news that they are getting married this Friday and baptized the following Saturday! And then it was our turn to cry and scream. They are seriously our favorite family ever, and we worked so hard to teach them the Gospel. They thanked us a bunch and told us that they were sorry that they didn´t get married earlier, and that their dream is that we can go to the temple with them in a year. So, mom and dad, start saving up because we are going to be returning to Argentina! Or at least I will be! Saying goodbye to Hna Arcos was so sad, we both cried a ton. She is the only companion that I´ve cried with when I had to say goodbye. There is just a special bond between trainers and their refuerzos (I have no idea what the word is in English in this moment). Which leads me to my next announcement....

I am going to be training! When I found out, I was absolutely terrified! Hna. Arcos was so excited when I told her, and was telling everyone in the mission home, ¨I´m going to be a Grandma!¨ haha. And we talked for a long time about the responsibilities and a bunch of stuff and so now I feel a lot better.

Because of visa problems, my refuerzo won´t get here until August 14, and so I will be with another mini missionary for a week. And, they removed the Elders from the Limay Ward, and so now it is just me and my companion with an area twice as big. It´s gonna be a challenging tranfer, but I think that we are going to see a lot of miracles and I am really excited!

I love you all and hope that you all have a great week!


Hermana Sandorf

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