Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Argentina #35

So missionary life is just full of twists and turns. Last night we found out that I will not be training because my companion can´t enter the country. But the mini that I had last week (Hna. Aleman from Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz) had to go home because she starts her classes today. So, right now I am in Cipolletti (a city in the province Rio Negro) waiting until they can find me another mini missionary. It´s kinda a bad week to be gone because we are going to have a baptism this Saturday! And we still have a couple things we need to teach. Well, I don´t know if we still are going to have a baptism because our investigator, Juan Carlos, was rejected from his brother´s house Saturday night because he´s going to be a Mormon. He still came to church the next day though!  But, if he can´t find another place to live in this neighborhood he is going to had to live in another city with his dad. NOOOOOO!!!!!! It totally stinks but all the members of our ward are trying to help him. I´m trying to have faith.

Yep, ok that is about it this week! I love you all and hope that you enjoy the last little bit of your summer vacations!

Also, my birthday is in 13 days. So, if you haven´t sent me a letter during my mission this far, it would now be the perfect opportunity! Thanks!

Ok, love you all!

Hna. Sandorf

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