Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Argentina #33

Hello Everyone!

So this week was really awesome! We worked really hard and put a lot of baptismal dates and we had a ton of investigators in sacrament meeting yesterday! It was so awesome!  Here is the part that is even more awesome: Two weeks ago my Hna. Di Stéfano and I were walking to go to our interviews with President Lovell. We were in a huge hurry, but there was a man sitting on the side of the road smoking and we decided to talk with him. We talked with him a little, gave him a paphlet of the restoration, and told him the direction of the church. Afterwards, we realized that we hadn´t asked his name or his address and we felt so dumb because we always ask those two questions! But then we had interviews and really forgot all about him.

So yesterday, we were greeting everyone in the entrance of the church, and this man came in! At first we didn´t remember who he was, but then we realized who it was and we were so excited! He stayed the whole 3 hours and asked some really great questions and afterward he asked if we could teach him. And obviously, we said yes! It was just the boost we needed this day because we didn´t end up having Alumine and Marcelo´s baptism the day before. So we ended the week happy.

This is the last week of this transfer, and what did the office start to do yesterday in church? ¨Hermana Sandorf, I know transfers and you don´t and won´t know for a whole week...¨ blah blah blah. They do it because they know that I will react, but I can´t help it! Ugh! It´s like waiting to know the results of an audition, and I get so nervous every time! Even though it´s more than obvious that I will stay in Limay because my companion is a mini, I still get nervous!

It is so cold here in Neuquén! I am so glad that I am here because it is the warmest part of the mission....and I have to sleep with a hat and socks and long sleeves (which I can´t stand and have never done before in my life). And everyone says August is the coldest month, so we will see how that goes!

I love you all and hope you that you have a wonderful week!


Hermana Sandorf

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