Oh my goodness! Can I just say how much I love you guys?! I really have the greatest family and friends ever! The End. Mommy and Tutu, thanks for the package. Don't worry, I shared everything. Haha. Oh, and Mom, the Great Harvest Pumkin Bread was a huge hit! All of us Utahns freaked out over it! It was like the most exciting thing that has happened here! haha. And FYI, Elder Snelson says that he loves you. haha.
Since next Thursday is Thanksgiving, I don't know when I will be writing you next. I don't know what we are going to do about P-day. I get my travel plans tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to let you know about them and when I will be calling you. If no one is home when I call, maybe I will just leave a message and sing you a song or something. That would be fun! haha.
And also, I'm sorry if my spelling is bad. In the last couple of weeks, I've had the hardest time with spelling in English. Haha
So this week has been so wonderful! Here are some highlights:
Hermana Nelson and I taught our district Sunday school lesson. It was a really great experience. Also, every Sunday we have to prepare a talk in Spanish for sacrament meeting about a certain topic. Then, right after the Sacrament, they call two people up to give their talks. I was called up this week. Luckily, the topic was on the Atonement, and that is where I feel my Spanish is the best- when I'm talking about my Savior. I get really excited when I talk about Him.
Also, our district was in a workshop yesterday. All of the sudden, someone pulled Hermana Nelson and I out, and asked us if we would be willing to contact a referal. We said yes, but we were way confused. So the MTC hires actors, and has them be investigators. They wanted us to teach them for their audition. There was a camera in the room, recording the lesson. Our "referal" spoke Spanish, but the problem was that we hadn't brought any of our Spanish materials. We had no cheat sheets. It was really scary. We've always had time to prepare before lessons. But we hadn't known we would be called out of our workshop to teach! So we just went in their praying for the Spirit, and it actually turned out really well. The huge emphasis of our curriculum is to make sure each lesson is tailor-made for each investigator. They don't want us reciting memorized lessons. Our teachers always say that if you really listen to what the investigator is saying, they will practically tell you what you need to teach them. And that is exactly what happened. The Spirit was talking to us and telling us what we needed to teach her. It was awesome. I'm grateful for that experience, because now I know that even though my Spanish is poor, and even thought I'm just starting to be a missionary, if I am obedient and listen to the Spirit, people's hearts will be opened. It really is the Spirit that does all the work, I just need to make sure I'm focused on Christ, and living worthily of the Spirit. I guess I just realized that I really am a missionary, and that I really am able to recieve revelation for the people I teach. It's a very humbling realization.
Today, since it is the last time we will get to go to the temple, my district all went to a session together. In the celestial room, I found myself, once again, asking how I could leave people I love. Only this time, the people were my district. They are now some of my best friends. It's kind of harder in a way, because I know I will see my family all the time after my mission, but the chances I will have to see these people will be very few in number. I love my district. They would get along perfect with all of my friends at home. It's so weird! Anyway, we went to a session. Then, we ate breakfast at the temple (it's nice to not eat at the MTC cafeteria). We are just the cutest bunch of people! We are seriously best friends. And after we came out of the temple, Elder Dalton gave each of us a penny. He has a weird obsession with throwing pennies into fountains and making wishes. He made us all get in a circle around the fountain in front of the temple. Then he made us think of a wish, and then we all tossed our pennies at the same time. Retarded? Yes. But that really is how our district is. haha
Whoops! I have to go! I love you all! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
MTC #7
Hello! How is everybody?! So I realized that I don't have as much to say this week so I actually have time to respond back to respond back to events in your lives. Lauren and Rae, your missionary week sounds awesome! I wish I had had an experience like that in Mutual. That is so cool! Did it make you excited and want to serve a mission?! Because I'm pretty sure I have been more happy in the last six weeks than I have ever been, and I haven't even left the MTC! Crazy! Brianne, oh my gosh, once again, I am SO EXCITED about your trip next May! It's gonna be amazing! John, congratulations on getting the part of Chip! You are going to be so adorable and I'm a little sad I won't get to see you. Caleb, why haven't I heard from you yet? How are you doing buddy? Dad, I hope you had a good birthday! Mom, I hope you are surviving working so much! I am going to mail you a long list of all the things I need before I go to Argentina, but one thing I will tell you right now is that I need is bandaids for blisters. It's not from my mission shoes, it's from my running shoes. I run 3 miles everyday on the track now, and my blisters are getting pretty bad and there is nothing I can buy here for them.
Btw, I sent a letter to Grandpa and Grandma, and then an hour later I got Mom's dearElder about Grandpa. I will write them again asap! I'm praying for all of my grandparents.
So this week has been great! I have learned so much this week about teaching. It's been awesome! We have had a huge emphasis on listening to the Spirit. It's crazy on how ready the Spirit is to speak to you. You only need to live worthily, listen and obey.
Last week at the temple Hermana Nelson and I decided to do sealings because neither of us had done them before. It was absolutely beautiful! Wow. As I was helping daughters be sealed to their parents, I kept thinking about all of my cousins who have been adopted into our family, and how grateful I am for this sealing power so that we can all be together forever. I also thought about little Addison, and had a moment of homesickness. I miss that baby girl! Except now she's 1! Holy cow! It's weird the things that will and won't set off homesickness. But I really am doing great! I miss home a lot less often than most people. That doesn't mean I love you guys any less! I just find peace in knowing that you are being taken care of while I'm gone, and find strength in knowing I'm doing what I'm supposed to.
I said goodbye to Elder Taylor Smith on Sunday. It was a very tender moment. I felt like I was sending my little boy out into the world. He's going to be a great missionary!
Now we are the oldest district in our zone. We said goodbye on Sunday to District E, and it was actually pretty sad. They are going to the New Jersey, Morristown mission also, like Taylor and Nick, so pretty much they will have a party there!
On Sunday, one of the lawyers for the church gave a Fireside. He pretty much spends his days fighting to keep us missionaries in every country to preach. I am amazed how it's a constant battle. I'm so grateful for those who are working so hard to get us out around the world.
My district is awesome. Remember how I have said that every week? It's true. The other day we randomly decided to sing the EFY Medley in our classroom. And it was so cool. I remember how strongly I felt the Spirit each time I went to EFY and we sang that song, but now, since I'm a missionary, it's even more awesome.
I really am so happy that I am here. Everyday, I thank Heavenly Father that I am here and that I have this opportunity. I never would have imagined I'd be a missionary! But I am so glad that I am!
Have a good week! I love you all! Write me! Getting mail really is the greatest thing ever! haha
Hna. Bretleigh Sandorf
Btw, I sent a letter to Grandpa and Grandma, and then an hour later I got Mom's dearElder about Grandpa. I will write them again asap! I'm praying for all of my grandparents.
So this week has been great! I have learned so much this week about teaching. It's been awesome! We have had a huge emphasis on listening to the Spirit. It's crazy on how ready the Spirit is to speak to you. You only need to live worthily, listen and obey.
Last week at the temple Hermana Nelson and I decided to do sealings because neither of us had done them before. It was absolutely beautiful! Wow. As I was helping daughters be sealed to their parents, I kept thinking about all of my cousins who have been adopted into our family, and how grateful I am for this sealing power so that we can all be together forever. I also thought about little Addison, and had a moment of homesickness. I miss that baby girl! Except now she's 1! Holy cow! It's weird the things that will and won't set off homesickness. But I really am doing great! I miss home a lot less often than most people. That doesn't mean I love you guys any less! I just find peace in knowing that you are being taken care of while I'm gone, and find strength in knowing I'm doing what I'm supposed to.
I said goodbye to Elder Taylor Smith on Sunday. It was a very tender moment. I felt like I was sending my little boy out into the world. He's going to be a great missionary!
Now we are the oldest district in our zone. We said goodbye on Sunday to District E, and it was actually pretty sad. They are going to the New Jersey, Morristown mission also, like Taylor and Nick, so pretty much they will have a party there!
On Sunday, one of the lawyers for the church gave a Fireside. He pretty much spends his days fighting to keep us missionaries in every country to preach. I am amazed how it's a constant battle. I'm so grateful for those who are working so hard to get us out around the world.
My district is awesome. Remember how I have said that every week? It's true. The other day we randomly decided to sing the EFY Medley in our classroom. And it was so cool. I remember how strongly I felt the Spirit each time I went to EFY and we sang that song, but now, since I'm a missionary, it's even more awesome.
I really am so happy that I am here. Everyday, I thank Heavenly Father that I am here and that I have this opportunity. I never would have imagined I'd be a missionary! But I am so glad that I am!
Have a good week! I love you all! Write me! Getting mail really is the greatest thing ever! haha
Hna. Bretleigh Sandorf
MTC #6
Hola! How is everybody? I recieved a million dearElders this week! And an awesome Halloween package from Tutu! Thank you so much! And yes, Mom, I thought the pull-ups box was way funny. Elder Hoth said, "Is that because it hurts for you to sit on the toilet now?" Haha. This week has been incredible. On Friday, I was in a ton of pain and I was just really upset about my back and how I couldn't do anything by myself. I was teaching a member in TRC, and I was telling her about my back and how I hated that I couldn't even get dressed myself, and she said "Maybe you need to learn how to be served instead of serving others. And maybe the people around you need the blessings of serving others." Except, it was in Spanish, of course. I quit complaining after that. And now that I think about it, it has been awesome seeing how kind everyone has been to me, and how they worry about me and are willing to do anything for me. The zone leaders put my name on the prayer role and rolled me around in a rolly-chair. My roomates helped me get dressed. My companion has had to pick up everything I drop (and that is a lot of stuff since I'm so clumsy). The Elders in my district carry my bag for me and take my meal tray to the garbage for me. I have received so many kind letters. I'm overwhelmed by the love people have shown me.
But, guess what?! I'm healed! I was in severe pain until Sunday. When I woke up Monday, I did everything myself. I felt no pain at all. I went to to the Athletic Trainer's office (I've had to go there at least once a day), and told them how I felt. They said that it was a miracle. I still have to apply heat to my back 10 minutes a day, and I can't use the bikes or elypticals or any weight lifting machines, but other than that, I'm back to normal! Now at gym time, I have to run on the track instead of the elyptical, but that is probably a really good thing even thought I hate it. I have been so blessed in this experience.
On Sunday, I sang in a quartet for Sacrament Meeting. We sand "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" Acapella. I sang with Hna. Collett, Elder Eldredge and Elder Packer. Elder Packer reminds me a lot of Grant Gibbons. He's a bit on the small side but he is so kind to everyone, and his music talent astounds everybody. It was really fun to sing again. I miss it. Also, on Sunday I was assigned to be the Branch's new Music coordinator. I am in charge of assigning hymns, pianists, and conductors for sacrament meeting and Priesthood meeting. And, now Elder King and Elder Snelson are our Zone Leaders. On Monday, we will be the oldest district in our Zone. WHAT?! It weirded me out when I realized this.
On Monday our investigator, "Carolina" decided to be baptized! Yay! And we started teaching "Valentino". He drinks like crazy. We found him on the side of the road, crying. It's weird to think that these investigators are being played by our teachers, but they were actually people our teacher taught on their missions.
So, on Halloween, Hna Nelson dressed up as Snow White while still in mission appropriate clothes. It was adorable. Elder Kimball and Elder Hudgins dressed up as each other. I was just myself. No fun haha. Someone mailed Elder Snelson a 42 pound pumpkin and he put it in our classroom and we drew our teacher, Hno. Grua, on the pumpkin. And we had Lofthouse cookies that were orange with black sprinkles. That is about it.
Yesterday I was reading "Jesus the Christ", and my teacher, Hno. Ridge, came up and asked me what I was reading. I showed him, and he said, "Oh that's a good one! Just so you know, he dies. But don't worry, it has a great ending!" He acted like he was totally serious. It was sooooo funny.
I have way more to say, but I have run out of time. I love you all so much! I hope you are doing well. I pray for all of you!
But, guess what?! I'm healed! I was in severe pain until Sunday. When I woke up Monday, I did everything myself. I felt no pain at all. I went to to the Athletic Trainer's office (I've had to go there at least once a day), and told them how I felt. They said that it was a miracle. I still have to apply heat to my back 10 minutes a day, and I can't use the bikes or elypticals or any weight lifting machines, but other than that, I'm back to normal! Now at gym time, I have to run on the track instead of the elyptical, but that is probably a really good thing even thought I hate it. I have been so blessed in this experience.
On Sunday, I sang in a quartet for Sacrament Meeting. We sand "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" Acapella. I sang with Hna. Collett, Elder Eldredge and Elder Packer. Elder Packer reminds me a lot of Grant Gibbons. He's a bit on the small side but he is so kind to everyone, and his music talent astounds everybody. It was really fun to sing again. I miss it. Also, on Sunday I was assigned to be the Branch's new Music coordinator. I am in charge of assigning hymns, pianists, and conductors for sacrament meeting and Priesthood meeting. And, now Elder King and Elder Snelson are our Zone Leaders. On Monday, we will be the oldest district in our Zone. WHAT?! It weirded me out when I realized this.
On Monday our investigator, "Carolina" decided to be baptized! Yay! And we started teaching "Valentino". He drinks like crazy. We found him on the side of the road, crying. It's weird to think that these investigators are being played by our teachers, but they were actually people our teacher taught on their missions.
So, on Halloween, Hna Nelson dressed up as Snow White while still in mission appropriate clothes. It was adorable. Elder Kimball and Elder Hudgins dressed up as each other. I was just myself. No fun haha. Someone mailed Elder Snelson a 42 pound pumpkin and he put it in our classroom and we drew our teacher, Hno. Grua, on the pumpkin. And we had Lofthouse cookies that were orange with black sprinkles. That is about it.
Yesterday I was reading "Jesus the Christ", and my teacher, Hno. Ridge, came up and asked me what I was reading. I showed him, and he said, "Oh that's a good one! Just so you know, he dies. But don't worry, it has a great ending!" He acted like he was totally serious. It was sooooo funny.
I have way more to say, but I have run out of time. I love you all so much! I hope you are doing well. I pray for all of you!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
MTC #5
Hello! How is everybody doing?! This week has been very eventful. Some of them are not very good events, and some are awesome! Here is what has happened this week:
First of all, thank you for the package! I gave Tay the cookies you sent him. And Rylie sent me some amazing cupcakes. Tell her thank you from me because I don't have her address. That was so sweet and I really appreciate it!
This week Hna. Nelson and I had a huge breakthrough with both of our investigators. They are now keeping their commitments!
Our zone had a huge kickball game during gym the other day. It was way fun!
While we waited for the Fireside to start on Sunday, I gave the Elders in my district a voice lesson. It was hilarious! But they all sounded way better after.
It's just been a super fun and spiritual this week. Yesterday in gym I was running with Hna. Meldrum telling her how much I've loved my 4 weeks at the MTC, and how I really haven't had the struggles like everyone else had had. I spoke too soon.
I was getting ready after gym, and I stood up kind of weird. Immediately, I had this terrible pain shoot through my back, and I thought I was going to pass out it hurt so bad. Then I started to cry, because I was standing there and couldn't move or bend or shift my weight or anything. I have never been in that much pain in my life. Hna. Nelson went to go get the Athletic Trainer because she is right next to our building. I was all alone, and I was freaking out. I wanted my mommy to figure out what the problem was and I wanted my daddy to give me a blessing. I started bawling because I thought I was going to have to go home, and that sounds like the worst thing ever to me. Hermana Nelson came back with some ice and we ace bandaged the ice to my back. It looked ridiculous. The goal was to get my back numb enough so I could get to the trainer's office because she isn't allowed to come to our room. It took forever, because I could barely walk, but we got there. First they checked for spine injuries just in case, but it wasn't likely because all I did was stand up. They decided that I have pulled a muscle in my lower right back. They did "stem treatment", which is like electric currents or something. I don't really know. But after it, I could a little better. The pain went from a 10 to maybe like an 8. The Hermanas asked me what they could do for me,and I said all that I wanted was a blessing. They asked the Zone leaders if there was a certain person who had to give me a blessing, or if I could choose. They told me to choose whoever I wanted. I chose Elder Kimball to bless me, and Elder Hudgins to annoint me, or whatever it's called. I think I hurt the feelings of some of the other Elders in my district. I just felt like they should do it, even though I am not the closest to them. It was the sweetest blessing I've ever had. They were both so nervous. Elder Kimball took so much time to make sure he was listening to the Spirit. I was blessed that I would heal. I was also couseled to be humble and submissive to the will of the Lord, and that I would rely on prayer on my mission and throughout my life. It was so sweet.
Since then, I have been walking around like a grandma/pregnant lady. It's ridiculous. It hurts SO BAD!!! I have never had this much pain in my life! It hurts my right leg, too. It hurts everytime I breathe, laugh, bend, stand - anything. I keep laughing because I look so pathetic, which makes me hurt worse. Everyone is being so kind to me. Elder Packer, one of my Zone leaders, keeps wheeling me in a chair between my classroom and the bathroom. The Hermanas in my room help me put on my skirt and shoes. I hate relying on other people, but I'm so glad I am surrounded by amazing people.
I keep going back to get stem treatment and in a day or two they are going to start massaging the muscle. It hurts, but I needed some trial to draw me closer to the Lord. It's working.
I love you all! Send more dearElders!
(Please pray for Bretleigh that she can recover from her injury. Thanks!)
First of all, thank you for the package! I gave Tay the cookies you sent him. And Rylie sent me some amazing cupcakes. Tell her thank you from me because I don't have her address. That was so sweet and I really appreciate it!
This week Hna. Nelson and I had a huge breakthrough with both of our investigators. They are now keeping their commitments!
Our zone had a huge kickball game during gym the other day. It was way fun!
While we waited for the Fireside to start on Sunday, I gave the Elders in my district a voice lesson. It was hilarious! But they all sounded way better after.
It's just been a super fun and spiritual this week. Yesterday in gym I was running with Hna. Meldrum telling her how much I've loved my 4 weeks at the MTC, and how I really haven't had the struggles like everyone else had had. I spoke too soon.
I was getting ready after gym, and I stood up kind of weird. Immediately, I had this terrible pain shoot through my back, and I thought I was going to pass out it hurt so bad. Then I started to cry, because I was standing there and couldn't move or bend or shift my weight or anything. I have never been in that much pain in my life. Hna. Nelson went to go get the Athletic Trainer because she is right next to our building. I was all alone, and I was freaking out. I wanted my mommy to figure out what the problem was and I wanted my daddy to give me a blessing. I started bawling because I thought I was going to have to go home, and that sounds like the worst thing ever to me. Hermana Nelson came back with some ice and we ace bandaged the ice to my back. It looked ridiculous. The goal was to get my back numb enough so I could get to the trainer's office because she isn't allowed to come to our room. It took forever, because I could barely walk, but we got there. First they checked for spine injuries just in case, but it wasn't likely because all I did was stand up. They decided that I have pulled a muscle in my lower right back. They did "stem treatment", which is like electric currents or something. I don't really know. But after it, I could a little better. The pain went from a 10 to maybe like an 8. The Hermanas asked me what they could do for me,and I said all that I wanted was a blessing. They asked the Zone leaders if there was a certain person who had to give me a blessing, or if I could choose. They told me to choose whoever I wanted. I chose Elder Kimball to bless me, and Elder Hudgins to annoint me, or whatever it's called. I think I hurt the feelings of some of the other Elders in my district. I just felt like they should do it, even though I am not the closest to them. It was the sweetest blessing I've ever had. They were both so nervous. Elder Kimball took so much time to make sure he was listening to the Spirit. I was blessed that I would heal. I was also couseled to be humble and submissive to the will of the Lord, and that I would rely on prayer on my mission and throughout my life. It was so sweet.
Since then, I have been walking around like a grandma/pregnant lady. It's ridiculous. It hurts SO BAD!!! I have never had this much pain in my life! It hurts my right leg, too. It hurts everytime I breathe, laugh, bend, stand - anything. I keep laughing because I look so pathetic, which makes me hurt worse. Everyone is being so kind to me. Elder Packer, one of my Zone leaders, keeps wheeling me in a chair between my classroom and the bathroom. The Hermanas in my room help me put on my skirt and shoes. I hate relying on other people, but I'm so glad I am surrounded by amazing people.
I keep going back to get stem treatment and in a day or two they are going to start massaging the muscle. It hurts, but I needed some trial to draw me closer to the Lord. It's working.
I love you all! Send more dearElders!
(Please pray for Bretleigh that she can recover from her injury. Thanks!)
MTC Email #4
Ok so my email is going to be short because I was trying to email pictures to you but it´s not working. ugh!
So, this week has gone by so fast! I don´t even know what to tell you! I can´t remember what I´ve said and what I haven´t.
Here are a bunch of things I need to say before I forget: The package you sent me was so adorable! I showed my whole district my Ariel pillowcase! I'm obsessed with it! Thank you! And thank you for all of the dearElders. Keep them coming! haha. I will write everyone eventually. Can I have Grandpa and Grandma's address please? And, can I have my own address for the mission field? I need to know it. Send me these in a dearElder or letter so I can keep it. Also, do I get a plaque in the 10th ward? Everyone was talking about the scripture they chose for their plaque, and then I realized I didn't have one. Which is ok, I was just wondering.
Ok, now on to the good stuff!
Taylor and Matt came to the MTC yesterday, and I got to see both of them! It was especially adorable when I saw Elder Smith because, you know, we are both a little cheesy and overly dramatic haha. Pretty sure some people where laughing at us because I was talking in my excited high pitched voice and with a huge cheesy smile on my face, and we kept shaking hands. It was way funny. And I've seen Elder Simmonds like 3 times already, and he's only been here 24 hours! They are both going to be such amazing missionaries. I'm so proud of them! I have also talked to Elder Dawson quite a few times. I love my musical friends!
This week in classes, we have really been focusing on how to get investigators to pray with us there in each lesson. It's pretty tricky, since we have to do it in Spanish. But yesterday, Hermana Nelson and I had an amazing lesson with Ezra. I was able to speak in Spanish without any notes, and we got him to pray for us. The Spirit was SO strong and during his prayer I started to cry. Then I remembered that he wasn't actually a real investigator and I was a little bummed, but still way happy that it was such a great lesson. It makes me want to go to Argentina now!
We also get to do this thing called TRC, which is where we teach volunteers in Spanish. They are usually members. We really enjoy those because the people are so thrilled to be around missionaries, so even though we slaughter their language, they do nothing but compliment us. It's great.
The best part of the week was when Elder Richard G. Scott came and spoke and our Tuesday devotional. You could just feel the love that he had for us. He talked about how to better listen to the Spirit, and he also gave us a lot of counsel on what to do after our missions. It's been interesting, because since I have been here at the MTC I have received way more personal revelation regarding me when I come home than I have about my mission, although I have received plenty about that too.
I absolutely love this Gospel. It really is the greatest thing ever. Every day I realize even more how blessed I am to have the Church in my life. I'm so happy that I am on a mission, and that I will get to share the joy I receive from the Gospel with others!
So, this week has gone by so fast! I don´t even know what to tell you! I can´t remember what I´ve said and what I haven´t.
Here are a bunch of things I need to say before I forget: The package you sent me was so adorable! I showed my whole district my Ariel pillowcase! I'm obsessed with it! Thank you! And thank you for all of the dearElders. Keep them coming! haha. I will write everyone eventually. Can I have Grandpa and Grandma's address please? And, can I have my own address for the mission field? I need to know it. Send me these in a dearElder or letter so I can keep it. Also, do I get a plaque in the 10th ward? Everyone was talking about the scripture they chose for their plaque, and then I realized I didn't have one. Which is ok, I was just wondering.
Ok, now on to the good stuff!
Taylor and Matt came to the MTC yesterday, and I got to see both of them! It was especially adorable when I saw Elder Smith because, you know, we are both a little cheesy and overly dramatic haha. Pretty sure some people where laughing at us because I was talking in my excited high pitched voice and with a huge cheesy smile on my face, and we kept shaking hands. It was way funny. And I've seen Elder Simmonds like 3 times already, and he's only been here 24 hours! They are both going to be such amazing missionaries. I'm so proud of them! I have also talked to Elder Dawson quite a few times. I love my musical friends!
This week in classes, we have really been focusing on how to get investigators to pray with us there in each lesson. It's pretty tricky, since we have to do it in Spanish. But yesterday, Hermana Nelson and I had an amazing lesson with Ezra. I was able to speak in Spanish without any notes, and we got him to pray for us. The Spirit was SO strong and during his prayer I started to cry. Then I remembered that he wasn't actually a real investigator and I was a little bummed, but still way happy that it was such a great lesson. It makes me want to go to Argentina now!
We also get to do this thing called TRC, which is where we teach volunteers in Spanish. They are usually members. We really enjoy those because the people are so thrilled to be around missionaries, so even though we slaughter their language, they do nothing but compliment us. It's great.
The best part of the week was when Elder Richard G. Scott came and spoke and our Tuesday devotional. You could just feel the love that he had for us. He talked about how to better listen to the Spirit, and he also gave us a lot of counsel on what to do after our missions. It's been interesting, because since I have been here at the MTC I have received way more personal revelation regarding me when I come home than I have about my mission, although I have received plenty about that too.
I absolutely love this Gospel. It really is the greatest thing ever. Every day I realize even more how blessed I am to have the Church in my life. I'm so happy that I am on a mission, and that I will get to share the joy I receive from the Gospel with others!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
MTC Email #3
Hola mi familia!
How in the heck are you guys?! Is Oklahoma done? That reminds me, my district went to the temple this morning at 7:30. It was pretty chilly. But when we came outside after the session, it was absolutely beautiful, and I started singing a song.....yep. You guessed it! "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'". AND we ate lunch outside today. It's just a gorgeous day and I am in love with it.
ANYWAY, so let me know what will be going on for Beauty and the Beast. Isn't so fun to go right from one musical to the another?! haha. Tell Chelsea congratulations on being Belle!!!!! That is so awesome! I'm so jealous. We all know that is one of my dream roles! Oh, last week Elder Snelson wrote across the classroom white board "Sister Sandorf WILL be on Broadway!" I have a picture of it that I will send sometime. Haha it's been there ever since and each time a teacher comes in and reads it they try to make me sing a song for them. Except I say no. I have become even more self concious of my voice, which is weird. But oh well.
So, Hermana Nelson and I now teach two investigators, Carolina and Ezra (they are really just more teachers fyi). Carolina is Catholic and has a teenage daughter and Ezra doesn't believe in anything and is a college student. So the lessons are way different with each of them. Hermana Nelson and I are getting better at teaching, although my Spanish is still not coming very well. It's hard because I'm used to always succeeding and being one of the best in school. But this struggle keeps me humble and aware that I can't do any of this without the help of Heavenly Father and the Spirit. I'm learning that more all of the time. With each lesson, we have to listen and figure out what we need to teach, because unlike the olden days with discussions, we can start anywhere and teach in any order. We just have to rely on the Spirit. It's taking some getting used to, but I like this way of thinking. Planning lessons goes kind of slowly, there is a lot of silence and pondering, but knowing you're recieving revelation is really cool.
Want to know something I love? The Polynesian Elders sing wherever they go. They are walking around outside the building I am in, and they are singing hymns with their lovely voices. It is fantastic. I want to know why they sound they way they do- is it different harmonies than the usual 3rds and 6ths, or is it that the cavities in their faces are different? Yes, I'm a Vocal Pedagogy Major haha. Hopefully I'll learn this stuff as I go further in school.
Mom, my clothes are doing well, thank you for asking :). And my Mary Jane-ish shoes are AMAZING!!!! I am the only sister I know who doesn't have blisters on her feet. And I have not had any foot pain at all. I haven't worn the clogs yet because, let's face it, they are ugly, and I'm not planning on wearing them until I'm walking in mud in Argentina.
Rae and Mom, thanks for the dearElder. Let everyone know about dearElder! I would love more mail. I get the least amount of mail by far in my district, but I think it's good that it's me because I am by far the strongest emotionally. A lot of people are struggling. Apparently, it's weird that I have been great this whole time. At least that is what all of my teachers say. The only moment I felt homesick this week was when I saw a baby, and I thought of my babies at work. And I miss them so much! I miss you all too, but you're not as cute ;)
Have a good week everyone! I love you all!
Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf
How in the heck are you guys?! Is Oklahoma done? That reminds me, my district went to the temple this morning at 7:30. It was pretty chilly. But when we came outside after the session, it was absolutely beautiful, and I started singing a song.....yep. You guessed it! "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'". AND we ate lunch outside today. It's just a gorgeous day and I am in love with it.
ANYWAY, so let me know what will be going on for Beauty and the Beast. Isn't so fun to go right from one musical to the another?! haha. Tell Chelsea congratulations on being Belle!!!!! That is so awesome! I'm so jealous. We all know that is one of my dream roles! Oh, last week Elder Snelson wrote across the classroom white board "Sister Sandorf WILL be on Broadway!" I have a picture of it that I will send sometime. Haha it's been there ever since and each time a teacher comes in and reads it they try to make me sing a song for them. Except I say no. I have become even more self concious of my voice, which is weird. But oh well.
So, Hermana Nelson and I now teach two investigators, Carolina and Ezra (they are really just more teachers fyi). Carolina is Catholic and has a teenage daughter and Ezra doesn't believe in anything and is a college student. So the lessons are way different with each of them. Hermana Nelson and I are getting better at teaching, although my Spanish is still not coming very well. It's hard because I'm used to always succeeding and being one of the best in school. But this struggle keeps me humble and aware that I can't do any of this without the help of Heavenly Father and the Spirit. I'm learning that more all of the time. With each lesson, we have to listen and figure out what we need to teach, because unlike the olden days with discussions, we can start anywhere and teach in any order. We just have to rely on the Spirit. It's taking some getting used to, but I like this way of thinking. Planning lessons goes kind of slowly, there is a lot of silence and pondering, but knowing you're recieving revelation is really cool.
Want to know something I love? The Polynesian Elders sing wherever they go. They are walking around outside the building I am in, and they are singing hymns with their lovely voices. It is fantastic. I want to know why they sound they way they do- is it different harmonies than the usual 3rds and 6ths, or is it that the cavities in their faces are different? Yes, I'm a Vocal Pedagogy Major haha. Hopefully I'll learn this stuff as I go further in school.
Mom, my clothes are doing well, thank you for asking :). And my Mary Jane-ish shoes are AMAZING!!!! I am the only sister I know who doesn't have blisters on her feet. And I have not had any foot pain at all. I haven't worn the clogs yet because, let's face it, they are ugly, and I'm not planning on wearing them until I'm walking in mud in Argentina.
Rae and Mom, thanks for the dearElder. Let everyone know about dearElder! I would love more mail. I get the least amount of mail by far in my district, but I think it's good that it's me because I am by far the strongest emotionally. A lot of people are struggling. Apparently, it's weird that I have been great this whole time. At least that is what all of my teachers say. The only moment I felt homesick this week was when I saw a baby, and I thought of my babies at work. And I miss them so much! I miss you all too, but you're not as cute ;)
Have a good week everyone! I love you all!
Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf
Sunday, October 9, 2011
MTC Email #2
Hello!!!! How are you all doing?! How is Oklahoma going? I have been praying for you guys everyday!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only send me one email a week. I can email all of the members of my immediate family, but since I only have a half an hour to read ALL of my emails AND respond to them, just send me one a week. Instead, You can send me emails through dearelder.com. It's waaaaay better because they print it out and give it to me that same day and then I can read your letters more than once and I can carry you all with me haha :)
So, here is how the MTC has been since I last emailed you:
Conference was AWESOME!!! Everything was so helpful for the missionaries. We were all so excited about the messages that were shared. I loved it.
Hermana Nelson and I have taught three more lessons in Spanish. They all went much better, and the Spirit was there, although we had to write down everything we wanted to say. Our district had to teach lessons Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Now we are actually learning how to teach before we teach again. The new program is designed so we can see what we can do just with the authority of our calling, even though we've been taught nothing about how to teach. I guess it's a good idea, although it stressed me out like no other. Yesterday, our teacher, Hermano Grua, asked us how we felt about the experience of teaching everyday when we don't know what were doing. Here are a few choice answers that made me laugh way hard:
Elder Kimball, "I feel like I'm trying to move a billion pounds with my mind".
Elder Hoth, "It's like I broke off both my legs and had to walk to Argentina".
hahahaha I think those are hilarious answers! I absolutely love my district. The other Hermanas are so wonderful and we all get along so well. The Elders are some of the funniest people I've ever met, and we all know I've met quite a few hilarious people! They seem to have caught on to the fact that I am a great person to make fun off since I actually enjoy it and laugh when people make fun of me. Pretty much our district is the best of friends. We all try to do everything we can together. I feel like I've known all of these people for forever. It's so weird.
Today at the temple, I was thinking about how the last time I was at the temple (the day before I entered the MTC), I was bawling hysterically in the Celestial room, asking for the courage and strength to leave everyone I love for 18 months. And then I was thinking about all of the blessings I have already recieved in the 8 days I've been here: My testimony has been strengthened so much, and I have learned so many new things in the scriptures and from conference and from devotionals. I have been given an awesome companion who I love, and we get along so well. I love my teachers, and I love my district, and I have never had a problem with a single person. I love my roomates so much, too. Hermana Nelson and I room with 4 other Hermanas, all going to the States. They are all hilarious, and they are so nice, and we all get along so well. I don't think it's normal for someone to love the MTC as much as I do. I'm so blessed.
So, I forgot to tell you! I ran into my cousin! Cadie came to my room the first day I got to the MTC. I saw here a few times after that until she left on the 3rd. Tender! And I have also talked to Sarah Vandegrift, Amy Clark, Bryan Dawson, Andrew Wood, Mrs. Jones and this kid from the WSU concert choir. It has been great seeing so many people!
I really am loving life right now. It has definitely been difficult at moments, but I know Heavenly Father is with me, so I can't really complain. I love you all and hope things are going well for you!
Also mom, thanks for the documents. And I have an eye lash curler. Thanks Rae, for the letter! Keep 'em coming!
Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only send me one email a week. I can email all of the members of my immediate family, but since I only have a half an hour to read ALL of my emails AND respond to them, just send me one a week. Instead, You can send me emails through dearelder.com. It's waaaaay better because they print it out and give it to me that same day and then I can read your letters more than once and I can carry you all with me haha :)
So, here is how the MTC has been since I last emailed you:
Conference was AWESOME!!! Everything was so helpful for the missionaries. We were all so excited about the messages that were shared. I loved it.
Hermana Nelson and I have taught three more lessons in Spanish. They all went much better, and the Spirit was there, although we had to write down everything we wanted to say. Our district had to teach lessons Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Now we are actually learning how to teach before we teach again. The new program is designed so we can see what we can do just with the authority of our calling, even though we've been taught nothing about how to teach. I guess it's a good idea, although it stressed me out like no other. Yesterday, our teacher, Hermano Grua, asked us how we felt about the experience of teaching everyday when we don't know what were doing. Here are a few choice answers that made me laugh way hard:
Elder Kimball, "I feel like I'm trying to move a billion pounds with my mind".
Elder Hoth, "It's like I broke off both my legs and had to walk to Argentina".
hahahaha I think those are hilarious answers! I absolutely love my district. The other Hermanas are so wonderful and we all get along so well. The Elders are some of the funniest people I've ever met, and we all know I've met quite a few hilarious people! They seem to have caught on to the fact that I am a great person to make fun off since I actually enjoy it and laugh when people make fun of me. Pretty much our district is the best of friends. We all try to do everything we can together. I feel like I've known all of these people for forever. It's so weird.
Today at the temple, I was thinking about how the last time I was at the temple (the day before I entered the MTC), I was bawling hysterically in the Celestial room, asking for the courage and strength to leave everyone I love for 18 months. And then I was thinking about all of the blessings I have already recieved in the 8 days I've been here: My testimony has been strengthened so much, and I have learned so many new things in the scriptures and from conference and from devotionals. I have been given an awesome companion who I love, and we get along so well. I love my teachers, and I love my district, and I have never had a problem with a single person. I love my roomates so much, too. Hermana Nelson and I room with 4 other Hermanas, all going to the States. They are all hilarious, and they are so nice, and we all get along so well. I don't think it's normal for someone to love the MTC as much as I do. I'm so blessed.
So, I forgot to tell you! I ran into my cousin! Cadie came to my room the first day I got to the MTC. I saw here a few times after that until she left on the 3rd. Tender! And I have also talked to Sarah Vandegrift, Amy Clark, Bryan Dawson, Andrew Wood, Mrs. Jones and this kid from the WSU concert choir. It has been great seeing so many people!
I really am loving life right now. It has definitely been difficult at moments, but I know Heavenly Father is with me, so I can't really complain. I love you all and hope things are going well for you!
Also mom, thanks for the documents. And I have an eye lash curler. Thanks Rae, for the letter! Keep 'em coming!
Hermana Bretleigh Sandorf
First Week in the MTC
I've been doing really well! I haven't really felt homesick at all. I think it's because I'm too busy to actually have a moment to think about you guys- sorry! haha. Mom, I think I have my camera cord. I will let you know though. Unpacking went smoothly, and I could find everything I need. I'm loving all of the notes I'm finding in my scriptures and the candy I've found in my backpack. You are so sweet Mommy! And pretty cheesy ;)
So one of the hosts that helped me get my bags was from Bountiful High! I can't remember his name, but he knew Caitlin and Taylor, so I immediately felt ok. Then a sister showed me my room and took me to get my badge and classroom books. Then she dropped me off at my class room and I met mi companera, Hermana Nelson. She is from Salem, Utah and her choir teacher was Justin Bills! She is so adorable, and we get along so well. She is really short and pretty quiet but we have a lot in common and we are both way chill so we haven't really had to adjust to each other much. Plus, she knows a lot of Spanish and helps me all of the time!
About ten minutes after I got to our classroom, class started- it was all in Spanish, unless we all had a really confused look on our faces. I guess they just started a new language program or something. I don't know how it used to be, but class is always in Spanish, and once we learn a word or sentence, we have to use it always and forget about the English word. So there is a lot of Spainglish going on haha it's way funny!
Our district has 8 Elders and 4 Hermanas. We are all going to Argentina! I am going to Neuquen with 2 Elders, and the rest are going to (I don't have a CLUE how to spell them) Recistencia or Bahia Blanca. It's a really great group of people. We all try very very hard to learn spanish, but our district is extremely ADD, and it gets out of hand sometimes. Like yesterday. One Elder, Elder Hoth, gets made fun of because of his Star Wars name. Everytime he comes in, they sing a Star Wars song or talk to him like Darth Vader. And during class they kept asking, "Como se dice 'Sith Lord'" and "Como se dice 'Light Saber'". It was pretty funny, although very distracting. I laugh a lot because, you know, I laugh at everything. The Elders definitely remind me of all of my friends, just like we thought would happen, and it is way hilarious.
I used up all of my Spanish in the first day. On Thursday, Hermana Nelson and I had an amazing companionship study. We barely knew each other, and we had to prepare a lesson for our investigator, Dominic (He's really a teacher here). At first, we had no idea what we were doing, but the Spirit came and really helped us, and we were amazed at how good we felt about our lesson. Friday wasn't as good. When we taught Dominic, it went in a different direction than we thought, and so we didn't know how to say anything because we had memorized certain sentences. But it's ok. Last night we learned how to pray in Spanish and bear our testimonies, so just knowing those things helps so much. Until the end of my mission, I have to only pray in Spanish, so that's kind of cool.
Gym yesterday was great! Hermana Nelson and I both feel self conscious about sports, so we went upstairs and rode the elipticals and stationary bikes and talked a lot and got to know each other better. It was nice to just chat without a big task in front of us.
Well I am out of time. Thank you for your emails Mom and Dad. And Bri, good luck with school. To the rest of the sibs, have fun in Oklahoma! I will pray that your opening night will go well! I know it will! You guys are so prepared!
Love you all!
Hermana Sandorf
So one of the hosts that helped me get my bags was from Bountiful High! I can't remember his name, but he knew Caitlin and Taylor, so I immediately felt ok. Then a sister showed me my room and took me to get my badge and classroom books. Then she dropped me off at my class room and I met mi companera, Hermana Nelson. She is from Salem, Utah and her choir teacher was Justin Bills! She is so adorable, and we get along so well. She is really short and pretty quiet but we have a lot in common and we are both way chill so we haven't really had to adjust to each other much. Plus, she knows a lot of Spanish and helps me all of the time!
About ten minutes after I got to our classroom, class started- it was all in Spanish, unless we all had a really confused look on our faces. I guess they just started a new language program or something. I don't know how it used to be, but class is always in Spanish, and once we learn a word or sentence, we have to use it always and forget about the English word. So there is a lot of Spainglish going on haha it's way funny!
Our district has 8 Elders and 4 Hermanas. We are all going to Argentina! I am going to Neuquen with 2 Elders, and the rest are going to (I don't have a CLUE how to spell them) Recistencia or Bahia Blanca. It's a really great group of people. We all try very very hard to learn spanish, but our district is extremely ADD, and it gets out of hand sometimes. Like yesterday. One Elder, Elder Hoth, gets made fun of because of his Star Wars name. Everytime he comes in, they sing a Star Wars song or talk to him like Darth Vader. And during class they kept asking, "Como se dice 'Sith Lord'" and "Como se dice 'Light Saber'". It was pretty funny, although very distracting. I laugh a lot because, you know, I laugh at everything. The Elders definitely remind me of all of my friends, just like we thought would happen, and it is way hilarious.
I used up all of my Spanish in the first day. On Thursday, Hermana Nelson and I had an amazing companionship study. We barely knew each other, and we had to prepare a lesson for our investigator, Dominic (He's really a teacher here). At first, we had no idea what we were doing, but the Spirit came and really helped us, and we were amazed at how good we felt about our lesson. Friday wasn't as good. When we taught Dominic, it went in a different direction than we thought, and so we didn't know how to say anything because we had memorized certain sentences. But it's ok. Last night we learned how to pray in Spanish and bear our testimonies, so just knowing those things helps so much. Until the end of my mission, I have to only pray in Spanish, so that's kind of cool.
Gym yesterday was great! Hermana Nelson and I both feel self conscious about sports, so we went upstairs and rode the elipticals and stationary bikes and talked a lot and got to know each other better. It was nice to just chat without a big task in front of us.
Well I am out of time. Thank you for your emails Mom and Dad. And Bri, good luck with school. To the rest of the sibs, have fun in Oklahoma! I will pray that your opening night will go well! I know it will! You guys are so prepared!
Love you all!
Hermana Sandorf
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
This Is It
I'm leaving tomorrow!
So....this is the last post from me, and I really don't have much to say.
Good luck to you all in the next 18 months. Don't do anything stupid ;)
The Church is True!
Ok. That's all.
Hermana Sandorf
Friday, September 23, 2011
Preach My Gospel
So, before you enter the MTC, you get a letter telling you to go to this website and watch some episodes of "The District" hahaha. I think it's way funny.
Anyway, I watched all 6 episodes and guess what?! I am SO excited to leave! I was so missionary oriented when I turned in my mission papers, but I have spent the last 3.5 months preparing for the physical needs of my mission, that I haven't thought much about the spiritual part where I actually, you know, share the Gospel. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But watching those episodes and writing my "Farewell" talk today really brought me back to why I am doing this.
I love this Gospel. Following Jesus Christ brings me more happiness than anything else does. It even brings me far more happiness than musical theater does (You're shocked, I know!). It defines me and every choice that I make, and I could not imagine my life without it.
Anyway, I watched all 6 episodes and guess what?! I am SO excited to leave! I was so missionary oriented when I turned in my mission papers, but I have spent the last 3.5 months preparing for the physical needs of my mission, that I haven't thought much about the spiritual part where I actually, you know, share the Gospel. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But watching those episodes and writing my "Farewell" talk today really brought me back to why I am doing this.
I love this Gospel. Following Jesus Christ brings me more happiness than anything else does. It even brings me far more happiness than musical theater does (You're shocked, I know!). It defines me and every choice that I make, and I could not imagine my life without it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
1 More Week!
Sorry that I don't blog very often, and that when I do it is super boring.
I have nothing to say.
Except I'm leaving in 1 week. What?! Yep. I am.
I've just been busy buying stuff. I swear the list of stuff I need never gets any shorter, even though I buy more stuff everyday.
And, every second I'm not buying stuff, people want to hang out with me. Because all of the sudden, people are realizing I'm not gonna be around for a while. It's been super fun!
Ok. That's all.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Oh yeah, now I remember...
So I'm watching all of my friends from school continuing the music program. And now, since I'm observing with an outside view for the first time, I realized just how torturous the music program really is. Like you can't do anything else with your life while you're in school.
I was thinking to myself: "How am I going to want to jump back into the program after my mission? I won't be able to work much or socialize much or anything. Do I really want to go through this for 5 more semesters?"
And then on Facebook my friend posted this:
And then I remembered how I love what I do, and it will all be worth it in the end.
Music is my life, and I want to keep it that way.
I was thinking to myself: "How am I going to want to jump back into the program after my mission? I won't be able to work much or socialize much or anything. Do I really want to go through this for 5 more semesters?"
And then on Facebook my friend posted this:
And then I remembered how I love what I do, and it will all be worth it in the end.
Music is my life, and I want to keep it that way.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I Love My Job

Art Time!
I remember in May when I started my new job at the daycare. I didn't like working there. I didn't like dealing with a bajillion kids all of the time. Now I love it! Sure, sometimes I want to scream at the children when they poop their pants or punch another kid in the face. But when they want me to kiss their owies better, or laugh at me when I sing I silly song, I remember how much I love them. Plus, I've come up with a lot of new and better ways to deal with troublesome kids, so that helps, too!
So what everyone says is true- Serving people really does make you love them- even when they are a naughty little kid. This is a lesson I will definitely carry with me on my mission and throughout my life.
Sunday, September 4, 2011

But most of all I love this cast. We went through so much together, and it made us incredibly close. I remember when I started this show, and I thought it was a really odd group of people that didn't really fit well together. I was definitely wrong! I have made some very dear friends I know I will always be friends with!

Friday, September 2, 2011
My birthday was so much fun!
At work, I brought cookies to all of my kids. Then for lunch I went to Argentine Corner with my daddy and some of his coworkers who went to Argentina on their missions. Then I went home, and found a little Ariel cake from my mama, and a pinata from Johnny. I was in "Hairspray" that night and it was a really good show. My family and the Wanlass family came to see it for my birthday. Then I went out with the cast and Dani surprised me with a huge Ariel cake for the cast! It was such a fun day!

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Goodbye, 20!
So tomorrow I will be 21.
Where in the crap did this year go?!
What I did at age 20:
Where in the crap did this year go?!
What I did at age 20:
- Survived my 2nd year of music at WSU- done with music theory classes forever!!!
- Was a WSU Concert Choir Officer- so fun!
- Was in the final production at RMT/Had to say goodbye to one of my favorite places on earth.
- Was in my first opera/first production at WSU.
- FINALLY SAW WICKED!/Awesome mini-road trip with Best friends!
- Decided to go on a mission.
- Was called to serve in the Argentina, Neuquen Mission!
- Got a job as a teacher at a daycare- I have learned so much from this job!
- Was in "Hairspray" at the Sandy City Amphitheater.
And the Main Highlight:
I know I did other things too. I really do stuff other than school and work and musicals. I promise. For some reason, I just never remember anything else.
Age 21 is going to be the most life-changing year ever! I'm so Excited!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I Have a Favor to Ask
Can you please pray for me and for my Hairspray cast?
I don't care what your beliefs are, I would still really appreciate it.
Here's the deal; I feel Satan trying to discourage me all of the time right now. I know it is because I am preparing for my mission and going through the temple in 2 days. He's not really tempting me, he's just trying to make me feel frustrated and inadequate. And unfortunately, it's working a little. With 2 jobs and the insane amount of stress Hairspray is causing, I just don't have the energy to battle these feelings.
As for my Hairspray cast, we've been through a lot of things we shouldn't have had to go through. You see, our director was causing a lot of problems and we were getting nothing accomplished and the show was just really crappy, despite the astounding amount of talent in our cast, and we were opening in a week. We were fighting and had lost our desire to make this show happen and no longer enjoyed rehearsal. Our director was fired on Friday, and it is amazing how relieved and close we all feel now.
Unfortunately, he left of lot of the show uncompleted, and some things he did do were, in my opinion, stupid. Now, in the last 3 days, we have redone a lot of the show and changed a lot of things. They are good changes, but now we only have 2 dress rehearsals to make sure we do all of the changes. It is very, very overwhelming.
I just need some help right now.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid was a musical on Broadway a few years ago. The show is at Tuacahn this summer. And on our way to Arizona, my family went to see it. Guess how happy I was? WAY HAPPY! Musicals and Ariel combined? Those are my two favorite things! haha I may have cried a bit during the overture because I was so excited.

It was my favorite show I've ever seen there. Ursula and Sebastian were amazing, and the set and effects were so gorgeous. I loved it.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This is How We Celebrate the Pioneers

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Vacay in Show Low
This is kinda late, but my family was in Show Low, Arizona over the 4th of July. The point of the trip was to visit my family before my mission. It was SO FUN!!! Have I mentioned how much I love my family?! Probably only 1 million times! haha
On Saturday, we all went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and it was so fun! Then we went to the nearby town of Taylor and saw fireworks.
Sunday morning, the whole family went to church. That afternoon, we all gathered at the grandparents' to have lunch. My favorite part of the day was watching my cousins' kids play. I became obsessed with this little guy:
I think this is the largest family gathering we've ever had without it being a family reunion.

Here's all of the cousins:
Here are my two closest cousins on this side, Eric and Julianne. We are the closest in age and we've had so much fun over the years!
The next day was the 4th, and everyone came to our hotel where we had a nice spot for the parade.

After the parade we went to lunch at a Chinese restaurant. My Grandpa was going on and on about how good the food was there. He was right! I have never liked Chinese food, and I even thought it was good!

Then some of us went and played whiffle ball. It was very entertaining!

After the game, we went to the carnival and ate yummy treats and bought crafts and jewelry and stuff. Then it was time to go back to our hotel.

The next morning we left Show Low, and I was so sad. I cried, as usual, because I hate that I hardly ever see these people. They are some of my most favorite people ever! I'm so glad I saw my family! I love them so much!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Harry Potter

Last night at 12:20 I saw the final Harry Potter movie. It was actually a very emotional experience for me. I was just overwhelmed with a feeling of love for this amazing series. Words cannot properly express my love for these books, so this is all I will say: I first read Harry Potter in 2000 and have read all the books at least three times a year since. It's the only series that I feel ends in the absolutely perfect way. I also have loved the movies a fair amount, although sometimes I hate the changes they make. I'm so glad that I was a part of the generation that got to experience all of the books and movies coming out- it's been so much fun!
Friday, July 1, 2011
It has been decided by the director of "Hairspray" that my official female ensemble role is:
Why?! I am the least sexy person on the planet. Let's just face it.
I think my director just thinks it's funny. Because everyone else does.
Including myself, a little bit.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
See You in Two
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Here We Go Again...
Remember how whenever I tell myself I don't have time to be in a musical, I end up in a musical somehow? Yeah, it's happened again! When it comes to singing and dancing, I just can't say no!
I'm pretty excited! I have worked with the director, music director, and choreographer before. It'll be nice to squeeze one last show in before I head out on my mission! It'll also be good because I'm not onstage too much. This means less practices for me! In the last few shows I've done, I've been onstage the majority of the time, and I just don't have time right now to learn a bunch of dances and blocking. I'm also excited to branch out from Rodgers (whoops! I mean Centerpoint...), and try somewhere new. I only know a couple of the people in the show, so that means new theater friends! It's gonna be great!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
New Haircut
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Mission Call
My mission call came!
I opened it last night at 6:30. All of my immediate family was there, as well as my Uncle Gerry and his family, my mom's parents, ans my friends Eliza, Caitlin, Sam and my cousin Eric. Breanna and Lex were listening on the phone. Some people invite a billion people to open their call, but I only wanted a few people there.
I have been called to the Argentina, Neuquen Mission! And I'm leaving September 28! I'm very excited, and very overwhelmed right now! It looks like this mission will be full of lots of opposites: it extremely cold in winter, and extremely warm in summer. The two main trades there are agriculture and oil, so there will be very rich people and very poor people. It's going to be crazy!
After I opened my call, most of us went to "El Matador".
Then some of us went to Yogurt Stop.

It was such a wonderful day and I am so glad I have made the decision to serve a mission. I know it's going to be one of the most difficult things I ever do, but that I will learn so much and that I will be so grateful for the experience.

I opened it last night at 6:30. All of my immediate family was there, as well as my Uncle Gerry and his family, my mom's parents, ans my friends Eliza, Caitlin, Sam and my cousin Eric. Breanna and Lex were listening on the phone. Some people invite a billion people to open their call, but I only wanted a few people there.
I have been called to the Argentina, Neuquen Mission! And I'm leaving September 28! I'm very excited, and very overwhelmed right now! It looks like this mission will be full of lots of opposites: it extremely cold in winter, and extremely warm in summer. The two main trades there are agriculture and oil, so there will be very rich people and very poor people. It's going to be crazy!
After I opened my call, most of us went to "El Matador".
Then some of us went to Yogurt Stop.

It was such a wonderful day and I am so glad I have made the decision to serve a mission. I know it's going to be one of the most difficult things I ever do, but that I will learn so much and that I will be so grateful for the experience.
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