Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Argentina #28

Well, this has been a weird week!

So we not have a baptism because our investigator is in the hospital. His name is Norberto, and he is 74 years old. He´s awesome! Hopefully he gets better soon!

I have a severe sinus infection. I started antibiotics today. Everyone last week was asking me why I wasn´t in our apartment resting. I worked normally for several reasons:
1. I´m a missionary, and we always need to work unless it is a really serious illness. I´d feel really guilty. Plus my investigators need me!
2. It was the last week of Hna. Cruz, and I didn´t want her to have low numbers.
3. I couldn´t sleep anyway, even if I wanted to because I can´t breathe through my nose! I haven´t slept in five days and now am pretty much an emotionless zombie. I wasn´t in the best state of mind to comfort and help Hna. Cruz this week with her emotional roller coaster. But we managed somehow.

This morning I went to the mission home to drop off Hna. Cruz. It was so weird. The families of other missionaries were there and it just weirded me out. Do NOT come to Argentina to pick me up, ok? K, thanks.

So what am I doing this transfer? I have been given the wierdest assignment that there could possibly be I think. I am now senior companion, and I will be with a mini missionary. Mini missionaries are usually girls who are like 20 and are working on the mission papers. BUT, my mini missionary is like 28 years old, and she is a returned missionary. And she was married once, but now she´s divorced. So this is gonna be so weird! I have absolutely no idea what to expect. It will be great because she´ll be thrilled to be in the mission again, and want to work hard. But there is also the possibility that she will want to take control of everything. Today one of the A.P.s told me ¨Remember that YOU are the senior companion, and that this is YOUR mission and YOUR area and that YOU are the person set apart to be a missionary.¨ That advice just freaked me out more. I am just this immature little girl who doesn´t know anything about life, and I have no idea how this is gonna go. So wish me luck!

Ok, that´s all for this week! I love you all so much!



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