Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Argentina #30

Feliz Dia de Independencia! 

So it is Independence Day here today (if you didn{t understand that really complicated Spanish!)! But because it is winter here, they don{t have fireworks or anything. There was a little parade today, and everyone is with their families eating asado and drinking mate.

So they are going to re-dedicate the Buenos Aires Temple September 9th! It is so exciting! And so today, the church filmed the youth of the Stakes in Neuquen Province dancing a tradicional dance. It will be shown in Buenos Aires the night before the dedication in a stadium where they are going to have a celebration. We went and watched them film today because it was right by our area! It was cool! Everyone here is so excited about the temple because they haven{t had a temple here for 3 years now. 

We met President and Sister Lovell! They are awesome! I am so excited! And we had a big conference and I go to see a bunch of people I know- a bunch of people from my first district, Elder Kimball, and HERMANA ARCOS! My Mama! Happy little reunion! Everyone was shocked to see that I had learned the language haha. 

My companion was really sick this week and so I went out with the Relief Society President- Hermana Catalan. She is also the owner of our apartment, which behind her house. She is 72, and lives alone and she is hilarious! She LOVES to accompany us in lessons and stuff. And she loves contacting people in the street. But sometimes she is a little too bold..the other day we were talking with a Catholic woman, and Hna. Catalan was bearing her testimony, and she said: I was catholic once too....but now I know that catholics are confused and that their church is of the devil. 

Obviously, the woman freaked out. And I was terrified and also very entertained and wanted to laugh. Super uncomfortable moment! 

We have an investigator named Emiliano who is crazy. Seriously. He is thirty and thinks he was born to be an actor. He has serious ADD too. And, he has a bunch of conspiracy theories and thinks that the prophet is working with the pope and other religious leaders to conquer the world. We laugh a lot after our lessons with him. But he has some legit questions and does all of his homework- reading the book of mormon, praying, and going to church. We will see what happens! 

So yeah it has been an interesting week! I hope that you all have a good week! Love you all!


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