Woah! I remember writing my "Looking back at 2009" post. I can't believe a year has gone by!
So last year I categorized the things that had happened to me into "Good Things" and "Bad Things". Everything that happened to me that year had a distinct category. This year has not been nearly as eventful, and a lot of things that happened are neither good nor bad or both good and bad. So this is just not going to work out as orderly.
Here is what happened in 2010:
- I was in "Singin' in the Rain"
- I started going to a Single's Ward
- I saw "Legally Blonde"
- Perry Family Reunion
- Marriages and sealings of family members and friends
- I saw "Lion King"
- I turned 20
- I was in "A Christmas Carol"
Yes, I'm aware that most events were musical-related.
- I attended the temple regularly
- I survived 3 sememsters of school and kept my scholarship
- My voice is improving a ton!
- Made many new friends
- Made some new and improved decisions about what I'm doing with my life
- I've seen some friends make bad choices
- I have kept in touch/seen everyone who is important to me to some degree
- I've worked a lot
What stands out in my mind when I look back on 2010?
- Heavenly Father always provided a way for me to earn the money I needed.
- I learned so much about myself and who I want to be.
- I spent almost every night and some whole days of the year at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. Although I've been there for 9 years, I have never been in two shows in one season before. I have also never worked there for the entire year before. I pretty much lived there. 2010 will forever be "My Rodgers Year".
- I have had people question my beliefs. This has never really happened before. I have had to re-examined my testimony of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and I find it to be more important to me than it ever has been before!
Looking Ahead to 2011
This year is going to be full of so many changes! Many of my friends are leaving on missions and some are getting married. There will be a new theatre to (hopefully) call home.
And for me personally, there will be some changes that I'm starting to get pretty excited about!
To semi-quote one of my favorite TV characters (Don't judge me):
2011 is going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY! LEGENDARY!!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Night at Rodgers
One of the Most Amazing Weeks of My Life
I was working the very final show at RMT. During this show, I teched for stage right. This night, in some ways, was more difficult to get through than the night before. I knew that once I left the building this night, I was never going back. That's a tough thing when you've spent about all your free time in that building for the past 9 years.
I came to work early so I could go chat with the cast for a couple minutes. They were all teary like we had been the night before. When I went to the lobby to start working, I saw that most of my cast was there to see the show. We joked that we couldn't keep away. The waiting list had about 60 people on it; everyone wanted to see the final performance on that stage. The sister of Ralph Rodgers intoduced the show. She told how she introduced the first show on that stage as well, in 1990. I was already crying by this point haha. I worked the show, and it went well, although not as seamlessly as the night before (I am not saying that because it was the other cast; the cast even admitted it).\
I finish my work when there is about 10 minutes left of the show. I clocked out, and then ran to the stage and sat down in the one empty chair left to watch the last few minutes of this performance. When I walked into the room, the most warm, amazing feeling was there. The last few minutes of the show were so wonderful, and I cried right along with the actors as they sang. Pretty much all of the audience was crying-especially my castmates. After the show there was a lot of crying and hugging and picture taking.
The show ends at 9:15 and I think we were there until 10:30. We were about to go to Chili's, when Scott told us we could come back because the box office would be working all night. Chili's was a blast!
After Chili's, Kyle, Chantryce, Annie, Mary, Jillian, Marin and I went back. We walked around and talked about how much we loved this place. Marin, Annie and Mary left. Then we each just walked around by ourselves thinking about every memory we had in each spot in the theatre. Together, we looked through each picture on the wall and identified every person we knew. It took forever, but we knew we'd probably never see those pictures again. Then we went to the green room and just talked about all of our favorite memories. Finally, at about 3, we knew it was time to go. We stood on the stage, crying, and knew we'd never walk back on that stage. It took a while for us to actually walk off the stage. It also took a while to walk out the doors of RMT, never to return.
I know that I have made this super dramatic, but this place meant the world to me. I am pretty sure I spent more of my teenage years there then at home (not counting sleeping, of course). I will eventually post all of the reasons I loved RMT.
As hard as it was to say goodbye, it was a perfect ending to that chapter of my life.
I was working the very final show at RMT. During this show, I teched for stage right. This night, in some ways, was more difficult to get through than the night before. I knew that once I left the building this night, I was never going back. That's a tough thing when you've spent about all your free time in that building for the past 9 years.
I came to work early so I could go chat with the cast for a couple minutes. They were all teary like we had been the night before. When I went to the lobby to start working, I saw that most of my cast was there to see the show. We joked that we couldn't keep away. The waiting list had about 60 people on it; everyone wanted to see the final performance on that stage. The sister of Ralph Rodgers intoduced the show. She told how she introduced the first show on that stage as well, in 1990. I was already crying by this point haha. I worked the show, and it went well, although not as seamlessly as the night before (I am not saying that because it was the other cast; the cast even admitted it).\
I finish my work when there is about 10 minutes left of the show. I clocked out, and then ran to the stage and sat down in the one empty chair left to watch the last few minutes of this performance. When I walked into the room, the most warm, amazing feeling was there. The last few minutes of the show were so wonderful, and I cried right along with the actors as they sang. Pretty much all of the audience was crying-especially my castmates. After the show there was a lot of crying and hugging and picture taking.
The show ends at 9:15 and I think we were there until 10:30. We were about to go to Chili's, when Scott told us we could come back because the box office would be working all night. Chili's was a blast!
After Chili's, Kyle, Chantryce, Annie, Mary, Jillian, Marin and I went back. We walked around and talked about how much we loved this place. Marin, Annie and Mary left. Then we each just walked around by ourselves thinking about every memory we had in each spot in the theatre. Together, we looked through each picture on the wall and identified every person we knew. It took forever, but we knew we'd probably never see those pictures again. Then we went to the green room and just talked about all of our favorite memories. Finally, at about 3, we knew it was time to go. We stood on the stage, crying, and knew we'd never walk back on that stage. It took a while for us to actually walk off the stage. It also took a while to walk out the doors of RMT, never to return.
I know that I have made this super dramatic, but this place meant the world to me. I am pretty sure I spent more of my teenage years there then at home (not counting sleeping, of course). I will eventually post all of the reasons I loved RMT.
As hard as it was to say goodbye, it was a perfect ending to that chapter of my life.
"A Christmas Carol" Closing Night
One of the Most Amazing Weeks of My Life
Wednesday December 22, 2010 was my final performance at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. It was one of the most emotional days of my life. All day long I was preparing myself by thinking about all of the memories I had there, and everything that theatre had done for me. I got to the show super early so I could be there alone for a while. As other people began to arrive, we actually didn't talk as much as we usually do. This was the hardest closing night we'd ever encountered. See, usually when I close a show at Rodgers, I miss it a lot, but I always think there will be another show, so it's not too bad. This time, we knew there was not another show.
At cast meeting, Michelle, as usual, asked who wanted to pray. I was about to volunteer, because I had been wanting to say this prayer all day, when Mike beat me to it. When he volunteered, I knew that he should be the one to say it because he grew up at this place. About a gazillion tears were shed during this prayer as he thanked God for the building, the memories shared there, the friendships made, and the talents developed there. It was beautiful. Our word for the night was "Ralph" (as in Ralph Rodgers, the founder).
The show itself was wonderful. We were all very focused, which is not always the case for a closing show. I enjoyed every moment I spent on stage, or waiting backstage, or changing costumes, etc. I wanted to remember everything.
Then we arrived at the last seen. Sally (me) and Fred don't come onto the stage until the very last moment of that scene, when Scrooge comes to beg for forgiveness and acceptance into this family. Dallin, who was playing my husband, and I stood backstage waiting for our entrance, and we both talked about why RMT was important to us. I will share all of my feelings for RMT in a later post. Anyway, I told myself I could not cry during my lines and singing. I cried too much on stage during the closing of Les Mis and it made my singing not as good. So we walked out on stage for the last time, and said and sang our little piece. It is such a touching moment in the show, and while I didn't cry, I was still very emotional, as was Dallin and Nick (Scrooge)and I knew the audience was touched by this moment too.
Then the cast sang our little finale, which is a happy song, and I cried a little. Then we bowed, and the applause was wonderful. Then after the bows, this show has another song. Here are the words:
Let the stars in the sky
Remind us of man's compassion
Let us love til we die
And God Bless Us everyone
In your heart there's a light
As Bright as a star in heaven
Let it shine through the night
And God Bless Us everyone
Til each child is fed
Til all men are free
Til the world becomes a family
Star by star up above
And kindness by human kindness
Light this world with your love
And God Bless Us everyone
Talk about a perfect message for the last song sung on that stage!
We all really lost it while singing that song. I mean, it's so beautiful that sometimes we'd cry just because of the song. But this night, there were tears everywhere. A lot of the audience was crying too.
After the song, The whole audience stood, and clapped for a long time. The lights were still on the stage, and so we didn't leave, we just stood there extremely humbled. And crying the whole time of course. Finally we walked off, and the show was done. Most of the other cast was in the audience watching, and they said the show was amazing.
We went to Applebee's karaoke night and had so much fun. It was a beautiful day.
Now remember, that was the closing night for our cast, the other cast closed the next day, and I was working the show. The story continues....
Wednesday December 22, 2010 was my final performance at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. It was one of the most emotional days of my life. All day long I was preparing myself by thinking about all of the memories I had there, and everything that theatre had done for me. I got to the show super early so I could be there alone for a while. As other people began to arrive, we actually didn't talk as much as we usually do. This was the hardest closing night we'd ever encountered. See, usually when I close a show at Rodgers, I miss it a lot, but I always think there will be another show, so it's not too bad. This time, we knew there was not another show.
At cast meeting, Michelle, as usual, asked who wanted to pray. I was about to volunteer, because I had been wanting to say this prayer all day, when Mike beat me to it. When he volunteered, I knew that he should be the one to say it because he grew up at this place. About a gazillion tears were shed during this prayer as he thanked God for the building, the memories shared there, the friendships made, and the talents developed there. It was beautiful. Our word for the night was "Ralph" (as in Ralph Rodgers, the founder).
The show itself was wonderful. We were all very focused, which is not always the case for a closing show. I enjoyed every moment I spent on stage, or waiting backstage, or changing costumes, etc. I wanted to remember everything.
Then we arrived at the last seen. Sally (me) and Fred don't come onto the stage until the very last moment of that scene, when Scrooge comes to beg for forgiveness and acceptance into this family. Dallin, who was playing my husband, and I stood backstage waiting for our entrance, and we both talked about why RMT was important to us. I will share all of my feelings for RMT in a later post. Anyway, I told myself I could not cry during my lines and singing. I cried too much on stage during the closing of Les Mis and it made my singing not as good. So we walked out on stage for the last time, and said and sang our little piece. It is such a touching moment in the show, and while I didn't cry, I was still very emotional, as was Dallin and Nick (Scrooge)and I knew the audience was touched by this moment too.
Then the cast sang our little finale, which is a happy song, and I cried a little. Then we bowed, and the applause was wonderful. Then after the bows, this show has another song. Here are the words:
Let the stars in the sky
Remind us of man's compassion
Let us love til we die
And God Bless Us everyone
In your heart there's a light
As Bright as a star in heaven
Let it shine through the night
And God Bless Us everyone
Til each child is fed
Til all men are free
Til the world becomes a family
Star by star up above
And kindness by human kindness
Light this world with your love
And God Bless Us everyone
Talk about a perfect message for the last song sung on that stage!
We all really lost it while singing that song. I mean, it's so beautiful that sometimes we'd cry just because of the song. But this night, there were tears everywhere. A lot of the audience was crying too.
After the song, The whole audience stood, and clapped for a long time. The lights were still on the stage, and so we didn't leave, we just stood there extremely humbled. And crying the whole time of course. Finally we walked off, and the show was done. Most of the other cast was in the audience watching, and they said the show was amazing.
We went to Applebee's karaoke night and had so much fun. It was a beautiful day.
Now remember, that was the closing night for our cast, the other cast closed the next day, and I was working the show. The story continues....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
This past week has been so emotional. It was chalk full of joy, and also filled with an extremely hard goodbye. I will cherish all of the memories from this week forever.

Remember when my dearest cousin Amanda got married? Well, she and her husband Jake were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple on Monday, along with their two month old daughter, Addison. Since I am not endowed I could not go to the sealing, but Amanda asked me to come and wait and go out to lunch with them after anyway. I have NEVER seen Amanda so happy or so emotional. It was one of the greatest days of my life. There were so many years that Amanda was making some pretty bad choices. Seeing the changes in her life has made me so happy.

Remember when my dearest cousin Amanda got married? Well, she and her husband Jake were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple on Monday, along with their two month old daughter, Addison. Since I am not endowed I could not go to the sealing, but Amanda asked me to come and wait and go out to lunch with them after anyway. I have NEVER seen Amanda so happy or so emotional. It was one of the greatest days of my life. There were so many years that Amanda was making some pretty bad choices. Seeing the changes in her life has made me so happy.

Friday, December 17, 2010
I Wish I Lived in 1843
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
When people look at my name for the first time, they freak out. They think it looks so complicated. When I tell them to just say Bret-Lee then they say, "Well why didn't your parents just spell it that way?" This is why:
Leigh is a British name that has been in our family for a while. It was a last name about six generations ago, and now has been a middle for some of my ancestors. When my Grandma (who we call Tutu) had her third baby she named him Bret and gave him the middle name Leigh. When Bret was nine months old, he was diagnosed with a rare metabolic disease that accompanied a kidney disease. I am not sure exactly what it was. Anyway, the point is that is was going to kill him. The doctors said he wasn't going to live to see his first birthday.
Bret actually lived to be 14. It was the longest anyone had ever lived with that disease. My mom was born when he was 8. While all of the other older kids were at school, Bret and my mom would spend a lot of time together. They were best friends. When Bret died, my mom told Tutu that she was going to name her first child Bret. But since I was a girl, I was named Bretleigh. And I love my name.
Ever since Bret died, Leigh has become an even more important name in our family. Now there is a Brandon Leigh, a Jace Leigh, and a Bretleigh. And I am pretty sure it will carry on. I am planning on giving a son the middle name Leigh, and I think other family members are too.
So that is why I'm Bretleigh, not Bretlee. I love my name, and I love what it represents. I can't wait to meet my Uncle Bret someday. I hope he will be happy with the way I lived my life and carried on his name.
Leigh is a British name that has been in our family for a while. It was a last name about six generations ago, and now has been a middle for some of my ancestors. When my Grandma (who we call Tutu) had her third baby she named him Bret and gave him the middle name Leigh. When Bret was nine months old, he was diagnosed with a rare metabolic disease that accompanied a kidney disease. I am not sure exactly what it was. Anyway, the point is that is was going to kill him. The doctors said he wasn't going to live to see his first birthday.
Bret actually lived to be 14. It was the longest anyone had ever lived with that disease. My mom was born when he was 8. While all of the other older kids were at school, Bret and my mom would spend a lot of time together. They were best friends. When Bret died, my mom told Tutu that she was going to name her first child Bret. But since I was a girl, I was named Bretleigh. And I love my name.
Ever since Bret died, Leigh has become an even more important name in our family. Now there is a Brandon Leigh, a Jace Leigh, and a Bretleigh. And I am pretty sure it will carry on. I am planning on giving a son the middle name Leigh, and I think other family members are too.
So that is why I'm Bretleigh, not Bretlee. I love my name, and I love what it represents. I can't wait to meet my Uncle Bret someday. I hope he will be happy with the way I lived my life and carried on his name.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Best Facebook Status Ever:
Nick S. is praying to the metabolism gods: "Please let me not take after the bear this wintry holiday season, cocooning myself in fat and bulky sweaters as I hide indoors from the blustery world. But, rather, let me be like the un-wed teenager who emerges from the Christian maternity home she was sent to looking shockingly thinner than before she left society's embrace. Thank you and amen."
This status is from 2 weeks ago and I still laugh about it all the time.
This status is from 2 weeks ago and I still laugh about it all the time.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Moro, lasso, al mio duolo
I just wrote an analysis of this song for my music history paper. Strangely enough, instead of hating the song because of my thorough analysis, I love it a lot more.
This song is a 16th century Italian Madrigal written by Carlo Gesualdo.
Isn't it beautiful?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Opening Night!

Tonight is the final opening night at Rodgers Memorial Theatre, and I am so happy to be a part of it. I know it's a small little theatre, but it has brought me so much joy and has been a huge part of my life since I was a little shy fifth grader. This show surely brings the Christmas spirit like nothing else can! Come see it if you can!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I'm Thankful For: Divine Nature
I am seeing a dear friend ruin her life because she has no idea who she and does not love herself. It absolutely breaks my heart. I am grateful to know that I am a daughter of God, and that that knowledge is what I base all of my decisions off of. I am thankful that I know my potential, and that although I mess up sometimes, I know what I am capable of and won't let people influence me to do anything that I know is wrong. I have never thought about what a blessing this knowledge is, but seeing the horrible choices one makes without this knowledge makes me realize how blessed I am.
I'm Thankful For: Susan
Did I ever think I'd say those words? HECK NO! If you recall, Susan is a choregrapher who was the biggest stress of my life in "Thoroughly Modern Millie" at RMT. I had worked with her before and had really liked her, but after Millie I had some bad feelings toward her.
Susan is also the choreographer for "A Christmas Carol". Since the dancing is easy, she doesn't have to yell at me anymore. The other night was her final rehearsal with us, since she is going out of town, and it was very emotional for her- it was her last night at Rodgers ever. As she was talking about her memories at RMT, she said, "And when Bretleigh sang tonight, I just cried! She has such a beautiful voice and I remember when she was just little and not as confident. She does such a great job.
Wow. I felt so guilty after that. And then, I realized everything Susan has done for me. My dancing skills have improve 100% because of her. Plus her choreography is so fun to dance! I still dance the dances I learned from her a long time ago. Yep.
Susan is also the choreographer for "A Christmas Carol". Since the dancing is easy, she doesn't have to yell at me anymore. The other night was her final rehearsal with us, since she is going out of town, and it was very emotional for her- it was her last night at Rodgers ever. As she was talking about her memories at RMT, she said, "And when Bretleigh sang tonight, I just cried! She has such a beautiful voice and I remember when she was just little and not as confident. She does such a great job.
Wow. I felt so guilty after that. And then, I realized everything Susan has done for me. My dancing skills have improve 100% because of her. Plus her choreography is so fun to dance! I still dance the dances I learned from her a long time ago. Yep.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm Thankful For: My Friends
Yesterday, I met up with some of my friends from high school and we saw the BHS musical, "Crazy for You". It was really cute, and everyone did such a great job! I am always amazed at how we can all go months without seeing each other, and then it's like we've never parted. And we all genuinely care about each other and what is happening in each others' lives. Friends are one of the biggest blessings anyone can ever have, and I am so happy that I am fortunate enough to have so many who are all trying to do what is right and who can brighten my day.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I'm Thankful For: Jefferson and Aticus
A few minutes ago, I was just overwhelmed with gratitude for these two brilliant Music Theorists. I was looking at my current Music Theory III grade, and I have at least 99% on every single assignment and test. Wow.
What's even more suprising is the fact that during my senior year, I was terrible at music theory. Really. I took the class to learn more about music, but everyone one else in the class had much deeper music backgrounds than I had. I was definitely not prepared for the class. I should have droppped out, but I didn't.
I sat between Aticus and Jefferson the whole entire year, and they were the smartest in the class. I had no clue what was going on 95% of the time, and instead of saying, "You're so stupid-just give up" (Although they probably thought it all of the time!), they would help me until I understood. I should never have passed that class, but with their help I got "A"s. And, in college when I took the test to determine if I could go into the Theory class I wanted, I passed with flying colors! And it's been great ever since! I don't catch on to the concepts very quickly, but eventually it clicks and I am able to analyze or write music correctly.
I would never in a million years be able to be a music major without the help and encouragement of these two. Seriously. Their help in A.P. Music Theory changed my life. And I am so Grateful.
What's even more suprising is the fact that during my senior year, I was terrible at music theory. Really. I took the class to learn more about music, but everyone one else in the class had much deeper music backgrounds than I had. I was definitely not prepared for the class. I should have droppped out, but I didn't.
I sat between Aticus and Jefferson the whole entire year, and they were the smartest in the class. I had no clue what was going on 95% of the time, and instead of saying, "You're so stupid-just give up" (Although they probably thought it all of the time!), they would help me until I understood. I should never have passed that class, but with their help I got "A"s. And, in college when I took the test to determine if I could go into the Theory class I wanted, I passed with flying colors! And it's been great ever since! I don't catch on to the concepts very quickly, but eventually it clicks and I am able to analyze or write music correctly.
I would never in a million years be able to be a music major without the help and encouragement of these two. Seriously. Their help in A.P. Music Theory changed my life. And I am so Grateful.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I'm Thankful For: Personal Revelation
Today, I was trying to picture what it would be like not to know about the Holy Ghost or personal revelation. It was really difficult! I am so grateful to know that Heavenly Father directs my life through the promptings of the Holy Ghost. If it was up to me alone to decide what was right for me to do with my life, then I'd be a mess for sure! It is when I am always striving to have the Holy Ghost with me that I get a little push in the right direction. Recently, I've been getting the impression that maybe the plan I had previously figured out for the next few years needs to be altered. These changes would take me WAY out of my comfort zone. BUT, I know that Heavenly Father truly knows what will make me the best person I can be.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm Thankful For: Digital Cameras
I went through all of my Picture files on my computer and reorganized them. As I did this, I thought to myself: What if I had grown up just a decade before I did? Then I would not have had a small digital camera I could take around with me everwhere. I would have taken a lot less pictures and each picture would most likely have been posed. I am so so so so Grateful that I have a digital camera I can use to document my life. Plus, without a camera, we would miss out on these true gems:

These pictures bring me so much happiness! I love digital cameras!

These pictures bring me so much happiness! I love digital cameras!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
This is from the musical Jane Eyre. Here are the lyrics:
You mustn't be revengeful
You have to be strong
To offer good for evil
Return right for wrong
We must not hold a grudge
And we must learn to endure
Then as God is your judge
At least your heart will be pure
Is the mightiest sword
Forgiveness of those you hate
Will be your highest reward
When they bruise you with words
When they make you feel small
When it's hardest to bear
You must do nothing at all
Is the simplest vow
Of all their crimes
Is your deliverance now
Bless those souls
Who would curse your name
When the last bell tolls
You'll be free of blame
You can continue to grieve
But know the Gospel is true
You must forgive those who lie
And bless them that curse you
Is the mightiest sword
Forgiveness of those you hate
Will be your highest reward
The time will come when we will leave this world,
and then the injustice and the pain and the sin will fall away from us,
and only the spark of the spirit will remain - returning to God who created it
You must never lose faith
You must never lose heart
God will restore your trust
And I know you're afraid
I'm as scared as you are
But willing to be brave
Brave enough for love
On Sunday, my sister asked me to go to a farewell with her. I didn't know the kid very well, but I felt like I should go. I went, and for a few minutes this young man spoke about forgiving others. As he was speaking, I felt the Spirit very strongly and burst into tears. At that moment, Heavenly Father was specifically telling me to forgive someone who I have held a grudge against for a long time. And it has probably not affected them in anyway, but the bitterness I feel is keeping me from progressing. So now, I have spent four days working on forgiving this person whole-heartedly. And guess what? It's tough. Really tough. It's not going to happen overnight. But I know that through this process I will become more like Jesus Christ, because He is willing to forgive all of us, even for the most horrible sins. So how can I not be willing to forgive others? There is no excuse.
Friday, October 22, 2010
How to Get Your Picture in the Paper
Step 1. Go with some friends to an event where hundreds of people are going to gather.
Step 2. When you see the newspaper photographer taking a picture of a sign above your head, pose for the camera and act like you think they are taking a picture of you.
Step 3. The photographer will notice, and (hopefully) will think you're funny. Then she really will take your picture.

Step 4. Talk to the photographer after she takes your picture. This way, she'll remember you.
And TADA!!! You are famous! Sort of.
Want to read the article? Go here.
Step 2. When you see the newspaper photographer taking a picture of a sign above your head, pose for the camera and act like you think they are taking a picture of you.
Step 3. The photographer will notice, and (hopefully) will think you're funny. Then she really will take your picture.

Step 4. Talk to the photographer after she takes your picture. This way, she'll remember you.
And TADA!!! You are famous! Sort of.
Want to read the article? Go here.
Monday, October 18, 2010
My New Obsession...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Baby Shower

I threw a baby shower (well, more like a family party) for my cousin Amanda a few weeks ago. We are super close! (I was her maid of honor, remember?) I wanted to make the shower way amazing, but stupid school and work got in the way. But it was still so much fun! The highlight was probably the present my Uncle Bryan made: a cradle! He makes one for each of his kids when they are expecting their first baby. We didn't expect him to make a cradle for his niece, too! It is a beautiful cradle! (It's not finished in the picture!)

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Another Openin', Another Show!
I am happy to announce that I have the privilege of being in Rodgers' Memorial Theatre's final performance. I will play the part of "Sally" in The Madison Square Garden version of A Christmas Carol. It is, in my opinion, the best version of this story because, unlike Scrooge, the music is awesome and most of the audience sheds a few tears. Sally doesn't do too much, but I sing a few little snippets and have a few lines. I'm just so thrilled to be in this show. Our first rehearsal was yesterday, and it was unlike any rehearsal ever. The directors talked about how it was the final show, and we needed to do an awesome job. Many people cried. I, obviously, was one of them.
I will be in the show Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays November 26-December 23. Get your tickets soon because it's going to sell out! You know you want to see the last show on this stage!
I will be in the show Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays November 26-December 23. Get your tickets soon because it's going to sell out! You know you want to see the last show on this stage!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lion King
Ok, my blog is driving me crazy! I'm sick of everything I post. It's so boring. Some fun things have happened, but I never write about them. And then, I write about stupid stuff instead. I'm sorry to everyone who has read my blog in the last few months.
So....Here is something better to post! In August, I went to Capitol Theatre to see the Touring Company of Lion King with my sister Bri. It was FANTASTIC! My favorite part of the movie is the first couple of minutes: "NAAAAAAA..." That whole chant at the beginning is amazing. When that chant started, I cried. Yep. It was awesome.

And...I have a picture! Shocking, I know! I used to take tons of pictures all of the time, but my camera broke. That is why you are not seeing many pictures.
So....Here is something better to post! In August, I went to Capitol Theatre to see the Touring Company of Lion King with my sister Bri. It was FANTASTIC! My favorite part of the movie is the first couple of minutes: "NAAAAAAA..." That whole chant at the beginning is amazing. When that chant started, I cried. Yep. It was awesome.

And...I have a picture! Shocking, I know! I used to take tons of pictures all of the time, but my camera broke. That is why you are not seeing many pictures.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bretleigh's Top 10 Favorite Musicals of All Time
The other day at an institute activity, I was asked what was my top 10 favorite musicals were. I did not have an definite list. And so, for the last five days I have been pondering. I have thought about every musical I have ever seen, which is a lot, and I came up with a list. Here it is:
*My All time FAVORITE musical is: Les Miserables
Not a suprise, I know! Why do I love this show? The music, the message of the show, pretty much everything about it! There is absolutely nothing I dislike about this show. It is perfection!
*My 2nd favorite musical of all time is: The Scarlet Pimpernel
I feel the same way about this musical. The only reason this is my second favorite and not the first is because I feel the message is not quite as powerful as Les Mis.
The rest, I could not put in an order:
All right, I have not actually seen this show, but I have listened to the music for six years without getting sick of it. That has to mean I'm in love with it.
*Little Women
FANTASTIC music! Great emotion, wonderful dialogue. Love it!
*Jekyll and Hyde
THE MUSIC!!!! Oh my heck!!!!! And the Plot!!! Wow!
*Legally Blonde
This show is different from the other shows I like. But the girl power in this show is tangible! The dialogue is very witty. The music makes you want to stand up and dance.
*Fiddler on the Roof
My Jewish Heritage is probably what draws me to this musical! It is timeless. I laugh, I cry...it is awesome.
*Thoroughly Modern Millie
TAP DANCING! Hilarious plot! Wonderful music! I have been in it two times and am still in love with it!
Most people dislike this show. It bores them. But the history in it is incredible! AND, it is so freakin FUNNY!!! I about pee my pants every time! No, the music is not incredible, but it is still good, and so hysterical!
*Lion King
Two Words: African Harmonies. I cried within the first 20 seconds.
And, here is the runner up. I love it too much to not mention it:
*Light in the Piazza
This plot is so sweet. And the music is amazing.
And that is my list. Someday, it will probably change. New Musicals are being written all the time.
*My All time FAVORITE musical is: Les Miserables
Not a suprise, I know! Why do I love this show? The music, the message of the show, pretty much everything about it! There is absolutely nothing I dislike about this show. It is perfection!
*My 2nd favorite musical of all time is: The Scarlet Pimpernel
I feel the same way about this musical. The only reason this is my second favorite and not the first is because I feel the message is not quite as powerful as Les Mis.
The rest, I could not put in an order:
All right, I have not actually seen this show, but I have listened to the music for six years without getting sick of it. That has to mean I'm in love with it.
*Little Women
FANTASTIC music! Great emotion, wonderful dialogue. Love it!
*Jekyll and Hyde
THE MUSIC!!!! Oh my heck!!!!! And the Plot!!! Wow!
*Legally Blonde
This show is different from the other shows I like. But the girl power in this show is tangible! The dialogue is very witty. The music makes you want to stand up and dance.
*Fiddler on the Roof
My Jewish Heritage is probably what draws me to this musical! It is timeless. I laugh, I cry...it is awesome.
*Thoroughly Modern Millie
TAP DANCING! Hilarious plot! Wonderful music! I have been in it two times and am still in love with it!
Most people dislike this show. It bores them. But the history in it is incredible! AND, it is so freakin FUNNY!!! I about pee my pants every time! No, the music is not incredible, but it is still good, and so hysterical!
*Lion King
Two Words: African Harmonies. I cried within the first 20 seconds.
And, here is the runner up. I love it too much to not mention it:
*Light in the Piazza
This plot is so sweet. And the music is amazing.
And that is my list. Someday, it will probably change. New Musicals are being written all the time.
Friday, September 10, 2010
School took over my life.
I am at school right now, but I can't do anymore homework or else I will go insane! So, here is what my semester looks like:
~TBE 1700: My only general this semester. It's a computer class. Although it takes some time to do the assignments, it is easy to get an A.
~Advanced Music Theory: Just when you think you know music theory you find that you really don't know anything yet! Ugh. I am not a fan of this class, but I do really well in it. My professor LOVED a composition I wrote for an assignment and made everyone in the class look at it and listen to it. Now Dr. Root thinks I'm brilliant! Have I fooled him!
~Concert Choir: I was asked to be the Alto Section Leader for this school year. It's kind of a bummer to have to be responsible for all of the Alto's choir grade. Oh well. I love the songs we are singing, though!
~Voice 2620: I have started learning big arias this year...not sure how I feel about that.
~Advanced Sight-Singing and Ear-Training: My WORST subject! I have an ok ear until I know that I am going to be graded on what I hear. Then I can't hear anything.
~Piano III: Somehow, my piano skills improved over the summer, and now I don't mind my piano classes! Although practicing an hour at a time kills me. I don't have patience. I am going to take the Piano Proficiency test at the end of this semester. EEK!
~Music History-Ancient to Baroque: My first upper division class! LOVE IT!!! The professor is great, AND it's an interesting subject (I LOVE History).I'm really in my element here!
~Opera Productions: I'm chorus in "Die Fledermaus". It's going to be a great show! But being in an Opera is WAY different to me than a musical.
~Master Class: A very interesting class, the same as it has always been.
And for my institute class, I'm taking Latter-day Saint History. LOVE IT!
And this is why I haven't had time to post anything on here.
I am at school right now, but I can't do anymore homework or else I will go insane! So, here is what my semester looks like:
~TBE 1700: My only general this semester. It's a computer class. Although it takes some time to do the assignments, it is easy to get an A.
~Advanced Music Theory: Just when you think you know music theory you find that you really don't know anything yet! Ugh. I am not a fan of this class, but I do really well in it. My professor LOVED a composition I wrote for an assignment and made everyone in the class look at it and listen to it. Now Dr. Root thinks I'm brilliant! Have I fooled him!
~Concert Choir: I was asked to be the Alto Section Leader for this school year. It's kind of a bummer to have to be responsible for all of the Alto's choir grade. Oh well. I love the songs we are singing, though!
~Voice 2620: I have started learning big arias this year...not sure how I feel about that.
~Advanced Sight-Singing and Ear-Training: My WORST subject! I have an ok ear until I know that I am going to be graded on what I hear. Then I can't hear anything.
~Piano III: Somehow, my piano skills improved over the summer, and now I don't mind my piano classes! Although practicing an hour at a time kills me. I don't have patience. I am going to take the Piano Proficiency test at the end of this semester. EEK!
~Music History-Ancient to Baroque: My first upper division class! LOVE IT!!! The professor is great, AND it's an interesting subject (I LOVE History).I'm really in my element here!
~Opera Productions: I'm chorus in "Die Fledermaus". It's going to be a great show! But being in an Opera is WAY different to me than a musical.
~Master Class: A very interesting class, the same as it has always been.
And for my institute class, I'm taking Latter-day Saint History. LOVE IT!
And this is why I haven't had time to post anything on here.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Last Day of Being a Teenager!!!!
Some people are most excited to turn 16 so that they can drive and date. Other people are the most excited to turn 18 because they are adults. I have been waiting all of my life to turn 20; I don't really know why. And tomorrow I wil be 20!!!!! FINALLY! It feels like I should have been 20 a long time ago.
Not that I didn't love being a teenager. As we all know, I absolutely LOVED Jr. High and High School. It's been a great decade! Here are some great things that have happened:
- I made friends that have uplifted me and made me a better person. Most of those friendships are still going strong, and I know that they will continue to.
- I developed many talents, and decided which ones I wanted to stick with and which ones I didn't. Developing these different talents guided me to where I am now in school and my job and they have just had a huge impact in my life.
- Through good times and bad, I was able to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church. I have learned to apply the Atonement in my life. These things have given me strength in my teen years and I know I will need to rely even more on my Savior in the years to come, because life is only going to get more difficult and confusing.
These years have made me into who I am, and are the basis for who I am going to be. A lot of people look back on their teen years thinking, "I was so stupid" or "I wish I hadn't done that" and stuff like that, but I look back with...pride? Is that an ok word to use in this case? I am happy with what I was able to accomplish. I haven't been perfect in any way, but I have been able to learn from everything that has happened in my life thus far, and it has helped me be better.
The 3rd decade of my life is about to begin, and I'm ready!!!!
Not that I didn't love being a teenager. As we all know, I absolutely LOVED Jr. High and High School. It's been a great decade! Here are some great things that have happened:
- I made friends that have uplifted me and made me a better person. Most of those friendships are still going strong, and I know that they will continue to.
- I developed many talents, and decided which ones I wanted to stick with and which ones I didn't. Developing these different talents guided me to where I am now in school and my job and they have just had a huge impact in my life.
- Through good times and bad, I was able to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church. I have learned to apply the Atonement in my life. These things have given me strength in my teen years and I know I will need to rely even more on my Savior in the years to come, because life is only going to get more difficult and confusing.
These years have made me into who I am, and are the basis for who I am going to be. A lot of people look back on their teen years thinking, "I was so stupid" or "I wish I hadn't done that" and stuff like that, but I look back with...pride? Is that an ok word to use in this case? I am happy with what I was able to accomplish. I haven't been perfect in any way, but I have been able to learn from everything that has happened in my life thus far, and it has helped me be better.
The 3rd decade of my life is about to begin, and I'm ready!!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Glimpse of Heaven
I go with my friend Breanna to do baptisms for the dead at least once a month. Today was the day we decided to go. While we were there, we ran into my friends Eliza, Mindy, Hannah, Taylor, Devin and Patrick. Guess how happy that made me?! WAY HAPPY!!! As I sat by the font with these people, I felt so happy knowing that we had made good choices in our lives to be there. And I couldn't help but think that Heaven will feel like this, except a billion times stronger. Knowing that your family and friends lead righteous lives is one of the best feelings ever.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Millstream Sacrament Meetings always have the answers
So yesterday I prayed that I would find something in church that I needed to hear. I'm just really worried about starting school again. It's so mundane and I just really don't like it very much and don't feel like I can handle the stress.I found what I needed in sacrament meeting. My ward has the most amazing sacrament meetings ever. Really. Today the Stake Patriarch talked to us. And he talked to us about always changing and not being too comfortable in one place. He told us to be aware of when we are in a groove, and make sure it doesn't become a rut, and eventually turn into a grave. I feel like my whole life is in a groove because I have had just school and work for a year and I have three more years of it. BUT, some thoughts came to me while I was listening: while I am in that groove, I need to make sure that my spirituality is not, and that it is always progressing. I can also get more schoolwork done ahead of time so that I am not as stressed and miserable. I also need to give myself some time for socializing this year. I think that is why last year at school wasn't so great. So now I have figured out what I need to do! I am really grateful for personal revelation!
And, just for fun, here is a random story from my past that amuses me. Enjoy:
Once upon a time, when I was a little sophomore in high school, I had a major crush on this kid who sat by me in seminary. I liked him for a really long time; until I started my senior year actually. And then, as I was meeting a lot of new people, I realized that even if this person was actually interested in me someday after his mission like I had previously dreamed of, I really didn't ever want to be with him. Yeah he was funny, cute, a good singer, and very spiritual, but he didn't work hard in school and liked stuff like motorcycles. So, I didn't think about him at all after that.
Eight months later, his mom came by the choir room and gave Larry his mission address and told him to give it out to people because he was in need of letters. So I decided to write him a letter. He wrote back, and I felt so stupid so I waited a really long time to write back (like a month before he was coming home). He came home a couple months ago and we became friends on Facebook. I thought it would be nice to see where he went in life. So I have noticed that we are always online at the same time but I already feel really dumb for writing him and decided I was going to leave him alone forever more. Yesterday, he started talking to me on Facebook. And suddenly, I was that little 16 year old again. I FREAKED OUT!!! Like I really have not acted like that in so long! It's like I lost 5 years off my age in that moment, and I have been laughing at myself ever since. I am just really glad no one was there to see me be dumb except my sisters, but they are 12 and 14 so they think the way I acted is normal. I have since regained my composure.
I just thought I would share that. The End.
And, just for fun, here is a random story from my past that amuses me. Enjoy:
Once upon a time, when I was a little sophomore in high school, I had a major crush on this kid who sat by me in seminary. I liked him for a really long time; until I started my senior year actually. And then, as I was meeting a lot of new people, I realized that even if this person was actually interested in me someday after his mission like I had previously dreamed of, I really didn't ever want to be with him. Yeah he was funny, cute, a good singer, and very spiritual, but he didn't work hard in school and liked stuff like motorcycles. So, I didn't think about him at all after that.
Eight months later, his mom came by the choir room and gave Larry his mission address and told him to give it out to people because he was in need of letters. So I decided to write him a letter. He wrote back, and I felt so stupid so I waited a really long time to write back (like a month before he was coming home). He came home a couple months ago and we became friends on Facebook. I thought it would be nice to see where he went in life. So I have noticed that we are always online at the same time but I already feel really dumb for writing him and decided I was going to leave him alone forever more. Yesterday, he started talking to me on Facebook. And suddenly, I was that little 16 year old again. I FREAKED OUT!!! Like I really have not acted like that in so long! It's like I lost 5 years off my age in that moment, and I have been laughing at myself ever since. I am just really glad no one was there to see me be dumb except my sisters, but they are 12 and 14 so they think the way I acted is normal. I have since regained my composure.
I just thought I would share that. The End.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Say YES to the Dress!

Combining the last three nights, I have slept a total of eleven hours. I have been out way late and then I have to get up at 4:30 am to babysit. I am so tired! This morning, while the little girl I watch was sleeping, I found a season of "Say Yes to the Dress" on their Netflix and decided to watch it (It's so hard for me to find something to watch at this house because a lot of the stuff is rated R). Almost every single time a woman found "the dress" and started to cry, I started to cry too! And I felt like a huge idiot. I was crying like I was watching A Walk to Remember. It was pathetic. I think I need some sleep!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tap Dancing!

I have tap danced in three different musicals, but I have never actually learned tap dance basics. I found out about a tap class that all of the BHS musical kids have to take this summer to be ready for their show, and I am taking it too! It's way awesome! I have already learned some new things, and have been able to review stuff that I have never been very good at. It's great!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Quote from Cabaret
This is not meant to be an inspirational quote by any means, but it I think it is a very interesting one:
I do believe a woman can't be a truly great actress
till she's had several passionate affairs...and had her heart broken.
{ sally bowles }
I randomly came across this quote today. I think it is true. Not that you have to have affairs to be a good actress, haha, but that those with more difficult life experiences (in this quote's case- severe heartbreak) are usually able to relate to characters on a much deeper level and therefore are better actors. And that is what I tell myself when I find that life is a little on the lame side. When something bad happens, I say, "Oh, well at least I understand this character from this musical better and can sing the song ___________ with a lot more real emotion now." It cheers me up.
I do believe a woman can't be a truly great actress
till she's had several passionate affairs...and had her heart broken.
{ sally bowles }
I randomly came across this quote today. I think it is true. Not that you have to have affairs to be a good actress, haha, but that those with more difficult life experiences (in this quote's case- severe heartbreak) are usually able to relate to characters on a much deeper level and therefore are better actors. And that is what I tell myself when I find that life is a little on the lame side. When something bad happens, I say, "Oh, well at least I understand this character from this musical better and can sing the song ___________ with a lot more real emotion now." It cheers me up.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Perry Family Reunion 2010
Every three years, descendants of Eva Norris Perry Bell (my great-grandma)get together for a family reunion. And they are MY FAVORITE VACATIONS EVER! I love them more than Disneyland and Hawaii, or in other words- a lot! None of us see each other very often (once a year at most), so it is so great to catch up with everyone.
Here's the thing, for the last couple of reunions, I was part of the teenage group. It was a party. Now, I came to this reunion and realized that pretty much everyone I hung out with got married. Lame! But luckily, I still had a few single cousins to be with and thankfully, some of my newly married cousins did not feel like they were too cool for us and hung out with us! Yay! So, here is a journal of everything we did. It's not really that interesting, it's mostly for me to remember this trip, not to entertain you.
Monday afternoon we arrived in Cedar City. We went to a beautiful park and met up with everyone for dinner. We played games and just went around meeting all of the new spouses and children.

Since we were all tired from traveling, we all went to bed pretty early. The next day, we had a devotional and then some people went golfing, some people went hiking, and all the little kids went swimming and to McDonald's. I chose the hike. It was beautiful! We hiked in the stream most of the way and there was red rock everywhere and it was gorgeous! It was so fun!

Then we were all super tired and napped in our own rooms. After my nap, I was super hungry so I walked across the street to Cafe Rio with my mom. We found my cousins Ryan and Shane there. A few minutes later, in walked my Uncle John and cousin Eric. Then my dad and sister Bri. A while later, Corinne, Justin, Josh, and Julianne (all cousins) wound up there too! It was super funny! After we ate, we went back to the hotel, only to find out that we were leaving for dinner in an hour. So we went to the park, where pizza was served. And sadly, many of us were too stuffed to eat the yummy pizza :(

And then we went bowling. It was insane! One of the Funniest moments was when my prego cousin Amanda got up to bowl one time, and she turned around and bowled under her legs. And she got a strike! She ended up winning and Eric pretended to be mad that a pregnant lady beat him. haha. Our family filled up the bowling alley it was so loud!

Back at the hotel, some of us hung out in the conference room. There were puzzles and games, and a few of my rebellious cousins played poker. haha

The next morning we did the usual family pictures. Grandma Bell had two children: Mona and Diane. Mona is my Dad's mom. She married John and here they are with their posterity:

{There are 62 of us total}
Diane married Mel. Here is their family:

{There are 29 of them total}
Combine it, and that's quite a few people from just having two girls!
After pictures, we went up into the mountains at some place that kinda reminds me of mueller park. We ate and played games. Then we had our talent show. I sang a song. It was fun to see everyone's talents.

Then Grandma, Grandpa, Mel and Diane each took a moment to speak to us. Since we only get together every three years, you never know who will have passed away by then. Hopefully, no one will. Grandma's is the one I remember most. She told us it was up to us now to decide if we wanted to continue with this reunion tradition (we do, of course), and then bore her testimony.
When this was finished, we went back to the hotel. A bunch of us went to the movie theater across the street. We were planning on getting tickets to the midnight showing of The Last Airbender. But, oh! No theater in Cedar City was doing one. Deeply upset, we decided to watch a movie in the conference room instead. We bought so much crap to eat. We watched the new Alice in Wonderland. We thought only the teenagers/young adults were going to watch the movie but soooo many little kids and "old people" were there too! It was awesome! Then we played some more games.

It was then that I realized we didn't really have a picture of our "clique" yet. Unfortunately, we were all looking like crap at that point because it was eleven thirty and we were tired.

Then Eric, Rylie, Josh and I went to Julianne & James's room. My dad also came to play video games with James. The rest of us talked and played with Christian, their little boy. He's two. They were trying to keep him awake all night so he would sleep the 8 hour car ride home. He was so hyper! We were all laughing soooo hard! At about two a.m., we all left.
The next morning, we all guessed what our lives would be like at the next reunion. My guess: I will have just graduated with my Bachelor's of Music and I will be preparing for an internship at Disneyworld that fall. Everyone elses guess for me: I'll have just graduated and be married and possibly be expecting a baby. Last reunion I was right about where I would be at this reunion, so we'll see who is the most right!
Finally, we said our goodbyes. And when we were in the car and I was hidden, I cried, like I do after every reunion. I love my family and I hate that we only see each other all together every 3 years for 3 days. It stinks. But the time I do get to spend with them is so wonderful!
I have been so blessed because I have been born into the MOST AWESOME FAMILY EVER!
Here's the thing, for the last couple of reunions, I was part of the teenage group. It was a party. Now, I came to this reunion and realized that pretty much everyone I hung out with got married. Lame! But luckily, I still had a few single cousins to be with and thankfully, some of my newly married cousins did not feel like they were too cool for us and hung out with us! Yay! So, here is a journal of everything we did. It's not really that interesting, it's mostly for me to remember this trip, not to entertain you.
Monday afternoon we arrived in Cedar City. We went to a beautiful park and met up with everyone for dinner. We played games and just went around meeting all of the new spouses and children.

Since we were all tired from traveling, we all went to bed pretty early. The next day, we had a devotional and then some people went golfing, some people went hiking, and all the little kids went swimming and to McDonald's. I chose the hike. It was beautiful! We hiked in the stream most of the way and there was red rock everywhere and it was gorgeous! It was so fun!

Then we were all super tired and napped in our own rooms. After my nap, I was super hungry so I walked across the street to Cafe Rio with my mom. We found my cousins Ryan and Shane there. A few minutes later, in walked my Uncle John and cousin Eric. Then my dad and sister Bri. A while later, Corinne, Justin, Josh, and Julianne (all cousins) wound up there too! It was super funny! After we ate, we went back to the hotel, only to find out that we were leaving for dinner in an hour. So we went to the park, where pizza was served. And sadly, many of us were too stuffed to eat the yummy pizza :(

And then we went bowling. It was insane! One of the Funniest moments was when my prego cousin Amanda got up to bowl one time, and she turned around and bowled under her legs. And she got a strike! She ended up winning and Eric pretended to be mad that a pregnant lady beat him. haha. Our family filled up the bowling alley it was so loud!

Back at the hotel, some of us hung out in the conference room. There were puzzles and games, and a few of my rebellious cousins played poker. haha

The next morning we did the usual family pictures. Grandma Bell had two children: Mona and Diane. Mona is my Dad's mom. She married John and here they are with their posterity:

{There are 62 of us total}
Diane married Mel. Here is their family:

{There are 29 of them total}
Combine it, and that's quite a few people from just having two girls!
After pictures, we went up into the mountains at some place that kinda reminds me of mueller park. We ate and played games. Then we had our talent show. I sang a song. It was fun to see everyone's talents.

Then Grandma, Grandpa, Mel and Diane each took a moment to speak to us. Since we only get together every three years, you never know who will have passed away by then. Hopefully, no one will. Grandma's is the one I remember most. She told us it was up to us now to decide if we wanted to continue with this reunion tradition (we do, of course), and then bore her testimony.
When this was finished, we went back to the hotel. A bunch of us went to the movie theater across the street. We were planning on getting tickets to the midnight showing of The Last Airbender. But, oh! No theater in Cedar City was doing one. Deeply upset, we decided to watch a movie in the conference room instead. We bought so much crap to eat. We watched the new Alice in Wonderland. We thought only the teenagers/young adults were going to watch the movie but soooo many little kids and "old people" were there too! It was awesome! Then we played some more games.

It was then that I realized we didn't really have a picture of our "clique" yet. Unfortunately, we were all looking like crap at that point because it was eleven thirty and we were tired.

Then Eric, Rylie, Josh and I went to Julianne & James's room. My dad also came to play video games with James. The rest of us talked and played with Christian, their little boy. He's two. They were trying to keep him awake all night so he would sleep the 8 hour car ride home. He was so hyper! We were all laughing soooo hard! At about two a.m., we all left.
The next morning, we all guessed what our lives would be like at the next reunion. My guess: I will have just graduated with my Bachelor's of Music and I will be preparing for an internship at Disneyworld that fall. Everyone elses guess for me: I'll have just graduated and be married and possibly be expecting a baby. Last reunion I was right about where I would be at this reunion, so we'll see who is the most right!
Finally, we said our goodbyes. And when we were in the car and I was hidden, I cried, like I do after every reunion. I love my family and I hate that we only see each other all together every 3 years for 3 days. It stinks. But the time I do get to spend with them is so wonderful!
I have been so blessed because I have been born into the MOST AWESOME FAMILY EVER!
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