Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Monday, April 29, 2013

Argentina #49

Hello! How are you all?! How was Thanksgiving?! Mine was good....the member who was going to give us lunch canceled and we didn´t have money or food in our fridge. My companion knew that I would be super sad eating nothing on thanksgiving, so she called the Elders from the office and asked them where they were eating, and if we could join them. And they said yes. So we ate at the house of a member in their ward, and she was the sweetest lady and cooked way yummy food- Milanesa and mashed potatoes! So that is what I did for Thanksgiving. 

Karina is getting everything ready to get married. She´ll be getting married shortly after I leave the area. But it´s ok! I feel happy that I could help her! She is one of my favorite investigators of all time!  

One of investigators quit smoking out of the blue. We hadn´t taught her word of wisdom or anything, she just quit on her own. We are super excited! We were worried about how she was going to handle the word of wisdom, but hopefully now she doesn´t have other addictions.  

Transfers are in two weeks. I am ready to go. There is no way that I will be here another transfer. So I am trying to get everything organized in the area for Hna. Santiago and her new companion by telling her everything I know about Limay. Having spent 9 months here, I know lots of secrets and how to get the ward members to help us and stuff like that. But it will be so good for the ward to have a different missionary. I would be so sick of me if I were them. But Hna. Cedro told me that she is going to call President Lovell if I can stay one more transfer because she wants me to be there for Christmas to sing in the ward activity. Haha not happening.

Um....That is about it. I love you all! Have a good week!

Hna. Sandorf

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