Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Monday, April 29, 2013

Argentina #51

Hello Everyone! How are you! I am great! I am just feeling the Christmas Spirit in 100 degrees heat!

So this was my last week in Limay! I didn´t cry saying goodbye to anyone. I just held it in each time, but last night my heart literally was hurting from holding everything all in, and when we got home I cried for hours. 

So I am heading to Centenario! It is still in the Province Neuquén, about 20 minutes away from Neuquén City. I only have to take a taxi to my new area! Way different from last time! haha My companion is Hna. Mendieta from Buenos Aires. She is starting her 4th transfer in the mission. I am excited to have a little change in the routine, but really I am going to miss Limay sooo much! 

We had Stake Conference on Sunday, and Juan Carlos said the opening prayer! And he was sustained to recieve the Melchesidec (how is it spelled in English?) Priesthood. 

When I said goodbye to Karina, she wrote in my journal, and said, among other things ¨When I met you, my life changed. I am happier than I have ever been. Thank you for showing me the Beauty of Church and the Book of Mormon.¨ Those few sentences alone make my entire mission worth it. I love being a missionary! It is the Best! 

Also, I ate 2 asados this week! So yummy! 

Love you All

Hermana Sandorf

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