So this week has been great! Really we are seeing a lot of miracles. Eva, Azul´s mom, comes to church all the time now with Azul, and she wants to get baptized. But she has to get married or separated, so we will see how that goes. She doesn´t know which she would prefer to do....
Yesterday I bore my testimony in Limay for the last time (Next week is Stake Conference). I cried and cried and cried. It is basically killing me. But I know that I have done the best I could here and Hna. Santiago is awesome and I am not worried about how she´ll do. I am more nervous to know where I will be for Christmas! haha I already spent last christmas at the end of the world with Gypsies, so I am prepared for anything.
I played the piano for a baptism the other day. I played ¨The Spirit of God¨¨, Ï know that my Reedemer Lives¨and ¨Nearer my God, to thee¨. The first one was pretty hard, so I just played mostly right hand but no one here knows any thing about music so it is ok!¨
I was saving the best news for last....but know I can´t remember what it was...hehe sorry. My memory worsens every day....nope. Can´t remember.
Ok, I love you all and am praying for you! Tell Lena and her family that they are in my thoughts and prayers. And the Muirs also. How sad. But we will all be together again so it´s ok!
Have a great week.

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