Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Monday, April 29, 2013

Argentina #56

Hello Everyone! How are you?! Freezing?! I am jealous of you guys because it is FREAKING HOT DOWN HERE IN THE PATAGONIA!!!!! I WANT TO DIE!!! I am not even exaggerating. Thursday and Friday it got up tp 107 degrees Farenheit in Centenario. And at night, It only lowered to  about 95. Luckily on Saturday it cooled off to 103. Then on Sunday during church it started raining like crazy for about 3 hours. Then the sun came out, and although it´s not quite as hot, it´s about 92 right now but there is a ton of humidity from the water. 

It´s been kind of funny. All of the floors here are tile, and so everytime that Hna. Mendieta and I kneel down to pray, we end and each have a puddle of sweat below us, and we slip trying to get up. And popsicles don´t exist here, so we freeze juice in icecube trays.  And sleeping is impossible. And everytime we need a moment of relief from the heat, we stick our heads in the freezer. And we have two more months of summer. It´s gonna be interesting! Definitely memorable. I am so grateful that I was born in a place where everything has air conditioning. 

But, in spite of this horrible week, it´s been a great week! because David got baptized on Saturday! And President Lovell came to the baptism! And the Centenario Ward choir had it´s first performance ever for the Baptism. Yep, I started a choir in Centenario. They sing terribly (a bit shocking after being in Limay), but they are so excited to have a ward choir, so it´s ok. It was just a really wonderful day. And David was so smiley, which is unusual for him.  Happy Happy Day. 

I love being a missionary so much! 

Hna. Sandorf

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