Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

-Gilda Radner

Monday, April 29, 2013

Argentina #58


It´s still way hot. I have the ugliest tan lines ever. 

Everyone here is talking about how everything is frozen right now in the U.S. Crazy!
So this last week had a bunch of twists and turns! 

Monday in the bus terminal I dropped off Hna. Mendieta and then I went to Limay to be there until Wednesday. We went and visited some members and converts and I was so happy to be back!

Tuesday afternoon the office called me and told me that my refuerzo wasn´t going to arrive. She´s stuck in her country still. These visas are driving me crazy! But they said that there was a chance that she will get here January 30. They told me that I could stay in Limay or have a mini missionary. I chose a mini because as much as I LOVE Limay, Centenario is where I need to be! So the found me a mini and Thursday I was back in Centenario. And my mini is Hna. Costa from General Roca, Rio Negro. She´s in the ward of Hna. Santiago and Elder Kimball! What an awesome ward! And she is a fantastic mini! But she can only stay until Wednesday, so everyone needs to pray that my companion comes! I was really excited to train! But it will all work out like it needs to, I´m sure.

I FINALLY saw Elder Hudgins! We hadn´t seen each other since the day we arrived in Argentina. He was in the bus terminal on his way to Zapala and I was way happy to see him! It is crazy to see how much we´ve changed! And now we speak Castellano!

We recieved an awesome referral! We went to contact this referral and it was one of the best lessons of my whole mission! We went to teach a 15 year old girl named Antonela, but her sister and her mom also listened to us! Her mom said that if Antonela wants to join this church that it´s ok, but the mom is catholic. But at least she gave her permission. And we´ll work with her. But her sister, Vanina, whose 19, was really interested. We´re gonna see what happens! I am pretty excited!

I love being a missionary!

Hna. Sandorf

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